Part 10

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after win moved in with bright and settle down there bright and win having their first breakfast together ,bright is proud that he cooked it by himself 

"i made this myself ...tomyam and the noodles "

"tomyam at once ? it's hard to make are you sure?"

"what's so hard about it ?"

win takes a sip from the noodles soup it tasted really good

"wow are you sure you cooked this ?"

"why ?is it bad?"

"no, it's actually good"


"yeah but let's see the tomyam ..."

he takes a bite 

"wow p'bai this is.....this is amazing where did you learn that?i can't even cook this my own?"

"ummmm well....actually mom made this haha"

"but you said you made it "

"i said i made the noodles not tomyam"

"ok ok what ever"

"hehehe, ut dosen't matter since you liked it"

a big smile on brights mouth

"ummm baby!"

"yes hon, wait did you just call me baby? "

"uhhhhh yes? what's so weird about it?"

"because..... i don't know i just found cute"

"ok, anyway i will be working today will you dirve me to work?"

"ofcours baby..... i will drive you"
few minutes later

win is getting ready to go to work, also bright


"yes baby"

"where are my socks?",

"i put them in the drower"

"there's nothing!!!"

"i'm sure i put them there"

bright heading to the room to find win's socks, win took a bath
and he head out from the bathroom looking for his socks
with a twoel wrapped aeound his waist.

bright gasp"whattt.... the heck"

"what? is there something scary about me?or a spider on my hair?"

"damn where did you get this?"

"get what? p'baiiii what are you talking about?"

"this hotness so freking sexy"

"shiah,what's wrong with you? getting all horny in the morning"

"just a kiss then" *puppy eyes

"no,get out i need to get ready"

"then can i grab your boobs?"

"get the hell out of here" *pushes bright out but bright steals a kiss on the cheek

"ok fine... but i won"

"silly and cheesy"
*closes the door.

after getting ready bright drove win to the cafe win gets off the car

"wait win!! you forgot something"


pouting as he wants a kiss on the lips

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