p2 - what really happend

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so many of you are wondering what happend and why things got fast in the story so i'm ganna explain this here
hope you enjoy the story

brights gf cheated on him and he was so shocked left her behind with her lover after she tried to explain and make excuses to bright he felt nothing but heartache wandering around in the city streets as fast as he can in his motocylce can't see his way the tears filled his eyes couldn't help it he was devastated
untill that moment he hit win and fell unconcionse on the floor feeling heavy like the world threw all the weight over him
then suddenly someone shaked him he felt that soft voice of win in his ear but couldn't move an inch

"sir, are you ok?"

the moment bright opend his eyes and saw this worried face of win and those puppy eyes filled with tears

"wha.... what happend?"

win explained what happend
bright saw the scratchs on wins face and hands but didn't bother to ask if he's ok just handded his number on wins hand in a small papper slip telling him to fix his motocylce ASAP
win went back home thinking how he could fix it but he dosen't know what bright was thinking about he did nothing wrong he wasn't the one who hit him
he kept  wondering

"what did i do so wrong to  fix  it? it wasn't my fault anyway but yet i have to call him i feel guilty
about it"

grabs the phone to call bright and notice the name

"b.. bri... bright? what kind of name is this?"

pressed the numbers on his phone


"hello it's me the accident guy? win"

"guy who?"

"the one you asked to fix your motocylce!!!"

"oh... you... so what do you want?
have you thought of fixing it yet?"

"can you wait a little longer? i don't have the money for it"

"how much should i wait? a day a week a month?"

"just untill i can afford fixing it"
bright smirked and rolled his eyes he was planning for something

"fix it ASAP or take resposability for it"
"what... resposability?"

he hungs up without a single word

"what's behind all of this misterious man? , what's wrong with that guy?"

win asked himself while jumping  on his bed, after a while he fell asleep without relizing
on the other hand bright was clearly happy that all of this happend didn't care that he was hurt and almost break his leg
he was fine with the pain

" i guess it was worth having this accident"

bright murmuerd to himself and smiled.

shake his head hands over his head trying to get himself to sense
"what the hell am i thinking about? "

hits his thighs with both of his hands out of shyness getting all blushed. clearly he was falling hard for that beautiful man he met just once but he wasn't gay he never was.
next morning
win preparing himself to go to his part time job he's a hard working employee and very deticated to his work
he works as a waiter for a cafe near by his house
whipping the tables cleaning them getting orders
it's quiet tiring for him bc now he needs double the money
bright passing by the cafe but didn't notice win in the window he was working hard very hard
bright grabs his phone to call win when he suddenly heard his phone ringing inside


"where are you?"

"it's non of your business"

"...." nodded down his head sulking

"hey!!! , i didn't mean to say it sorry i know i was  kinda rude"

win still didn't notice that bright was standing right infront of him only few feet away

then he turns to see tht bright was at the door standing waitng for him

"uhhhh, mr. bright? what are u doing here?"

"nothing just waiting for my motocylce"

"ohhh..... about that...."

bright approches win drags him to the wall locks his both hands on the wall to make sure win dosen't get away

"uhhhh uhhh..... sir bright what are you doing?"

"stop  the formal talk  firstly, second of all you can call me bright"

"but i don't even know you well and besides i'm not your best friend"

"then try to be one...."


the tall guy moves  his arms and leaves without a word which left win doubfounded, he tilts his head questioning himself holding a twoel in his hand then he moved back to the cafe

he mummbled "what the hell is wrong with him?"

bright kept comming to wins cafe for a whole week untill one day he wasn't there
win actually eagerly waited for him to come did win really develop feelings for bright?
he felt worried tried ti contact him but no answer he wouldn't pick his phone up
win went back and forth in the cafe

"shiah, where is he why isn't he pic​Kingup his phone?"

scratched his head  and clinched his teeth as he tilted his head.
he thought bright must be missing or he's sick
but he dosen't know the story behind his dissapeariance

to be continued

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