Chapter 15: I'm here

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Sana POV

" I don't need you pity on me! Old woman! "

My mind keep on going to the night that me and Tzuyu argue, her eyes was empty was saying that word. Yet I can't help but feel curious about it.

Why do that come out from your mouth?

Why do it's seem like your word are nothing?

It's a madness, but those feelings....... seriously turned her dead inside.

" Sana? May I come in? " I heard Nayeon voice outside my room, knocking on the door. I shaked off the thought on my mind.

" Yes! " I yelled at her as the door knob twist and Nayeon come in with a frustrated face. I look at her as I question what happen.

" The school called.....and I think Tzuyu in trouble " she said that make me stand up, I take my coat in hurry way as I put it around.

" Where you wanna go? "

" To the school, of course " I answered as Nayeon stood in front me. " Yah, do you need too? "

" Nayeon....You know I make promises to onee-san that I will take care her, I can't just close my eyes about this " I said staring at her as she sighed heavily.

" Fine "

" Hello, I'm here for the Chou Tzuyu, the school called me awhile ago " I said at the clerk on the counter as she eyes me up and down.

" Sure, are you her guardian? "

" Yes I am, I'm her auntie " I said again she stopped at looked me again. I'm ignore that as that's not the important right now.

" Anyway I'm in hur----"

" What's your name? " I bit my lips at the rude berhavior that she give me, how can she just cutting me like that.

" Minatozaki Sana "

Third person POV

" What?! It's not even that hard! " Sana walked closer to the door as she hearing a lot of yelled inside.

The clerk guard her as she pulled the door that reveal Tzuyu who have a mad face. Sana glance and saw a old woman sitting down beside a teenager boy.

" Wahh, you seriously so rude! Keep talking in high note like that with older women like me! So disrespect......." That old women said while staring deadly at Tzuyu.

" I'm sorry, what happen? " Sana said as she feel confused. Tzuyu who just realized Sana was in that room look at her with widened eyes.

" Who are you? " Suddenly a middle age man standing up from the couch, talking that as he stare at Sana.

The clerk cleared her throat as she speak out " Minatozaki Sana, she here as Chou Tzuyu guardian " for a moment's that room become really quiet, as no one talked. Everyone inside the ro except Tzuyu and the clerk looked Sana as they mouth hung upon hearing what's they said.

" Minato-Minatozaki!? " That woman said as her pupils eyes shaking.

" Mrs. Minatozaki, you can sit here " that age middle man said as he show the couch, beside Tzuyu. Sana smiled as she walked and sit down.

" It's fine, to called me Sana " Sana said as she stare at that man. " Then my name Lee Jung hoon, I'm the principal of this school "

" So Jung hoon-shi, what did happen here? " Sana asking as her focused on the woman in front of her.

" Today, I got the information that this woman here is Mrs. Baker was saying that her son, Railey being might being bullied by Chou Tzuyu " Tzuyu that sitting beside Sana chuckled hearing that as she rolled her eyes.

" It's not might, it's really she.... looking at her berhavior no wonder she bullied people " that woman said as she eyeing Tzuyu again.

" Your son was to weak that he can't avoid my punch, no wonder she go home and crying to his mama " Tzuyu said.

" Why? Does that make you angry? By the fact that I can go to my mom and tell about it why you don't " he said, fighting back as he smirking at Tzuyu.

" You fucking bastard!! " Tzuyu was ready to throw a punch as Sana hold her hands. Sana held her tightly as her eyes stay on Tzuyu.

What's up with that burning eyes? - Tzuyu

" Chou Tzuyu, sit down " The way she said her name will always remind inside Tzuyu brain, stuck on there.

Tzuyu slowly pulled her hands away as she quietly sit down, her eyes was killing him in silence.

" So do you have evidence about this? " Sana said that make the woman goes silence as she looked at her son.

" No, but I have witness that saw what she did to me " Railey said as Sana eyeing him carefully.

" Does that witness your friends? " Sana asking again as he mouth shut tight. " What's wrong with the witness is his friends? " That woman said as her voice a little high. Sana looked away with a annoyed feel inside her.

" It's might be chance that he is lying where it's come to his friends " Jung hoon said as that woman looked at him with a disbelief eyes.

" So you really think my son is lying!? " She said as Jung hong silence and don't say anything.

" I can't believe this....tell them what happen Railey! " His mom said as she touch her son.

" I w-was just tea-tease this girl and suddenly she gone mad and punch me " he said as Tzuyu hold her hands down.

" Yah, you seriously have no shame..." Tzuyu said as she chuckled. " What ever I said it's don't matter anyway, like everyone even heard me out " Tzuyu said as she stand up from the couch. Sana looked her with a worried eyes.

" I'm too tired for this, do what ever your want " Tzuyu said as she walked out from the room.

" Tzuyu! Chou Tzuyu! " Sana yeiling her name while Tzuyu keep ignore it and continue walking away. Sana give up, as her hands running through her hair, it's frustrated her. She then turned around and looked at the principal.

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