I should've known...

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It was Saturday morning and Shirabu was just waking up and not knowing what was planned for him today. He headed to the bathroom to get ready to meet Semi, he calls Kawanishi since he's an overprotective friend and will kill anyone who practically hurts Shirabu.

"I'm going to go hang out with Semi!"
"Wow you sound really happy"
"Hehe! I'm just energetic!"
"Well that's a first"
They both laugh and then Shirabu hangs up

Shirabu puts on his shirt goes to kitchen and eats his cereal, Shirabu's parents died ten years ago when he was seven. He doesn't know how to cook so he always eats cereal for breakfast and orders food for Lunch and Dinner. He walks out the house and enters the cafe and sees Semi with another boy.
(The boy is an OC of mine and his name is Aito)
Shirabu starts to get jealous and then sees the boy trying to get closer to Semi, Semi gets uncomfortable while Shirabu is bursting out of rage. He walks to the table the one with Semi and Aito, and Kisses semi's cheek saying,

"Babe we should get going to the park!"
Semi turns red while Aito gets mad and angry he grabs Semi's hand and Says to Shirabu
Making all the attention go to them, Shirabu hates to be noticed bc he'll get scared that people will start focusing on his bangs. Semi looks at Aito annoyingly and turns around to see Shirabu looking jealous and sad. Semi then kisses Shirabu's lips leaving Aito pissed and Shirabu blushing and the other people in the Cafe fangirling.

Semi gets up from the chair grabs Shirabu's waist and rests his head on Shira's shoulder
"Am I really yours?" Semi said quietly. Shirabu turned red and said "OFC NOT! We're nothing but just teammates!"
"If that's so why'd you kiss my cheek, and called me babe?"
"But isn't your bestfriend Kawanishi?"
"Yeah but I treasure our friendship more than his and mine..."

Semi chuckles "Haha- alright just don't tell him that or else he'll be the one to get jealous now"
Somehow those words that came from Semi's mouth made Shirabu want to kiss him...
Semi then finally lifted his head up from Shirabu's shoulder and also let go of his waist, he was about to leave until Shirabu held his sleeve while turning red.
Shirabu known Semi for 1 year well including this year it would be 2 years.

He's known Semi since since he was a freshman in high school when he was lost and didn't know where to go he bumped into Semi. That day he got distracted by his beauty and felt butterflies in his stomach, he felt like it was love at first sight. Semi was super nice to Shirabu and made Shirabu actually want to date him. But once a few months pasted Shirabu revealed his true personality and so did Semi. Semi easy just annoying  but still remained nice, but meanwhile for Shirabu him going from a nice adorable shy teen to a straight up Tsundere.

Meanwhile for right now Shirabu was stuck holding Semi's sleeve and not being able to say the words he wanted to say. He felt like he was gonna cry he felt like there was a massive earthquake going on inside him. He started looking at Semi with tears down his face, he was crying for no reason.
"Are you okay Shirabu...?" Semi said while he cupped his hand on Shirabu's cheek wiping the tears of his face. Shirabu was finally ready to tell Semi how he felt.

"Semi i l-l-love yo-"
"Semi!~ Oh how much I missed my boyfriend~"
Shirabu started crying and ran away, semi tried to grab him but he pushed him away Shirabu thought to himself
'Ofc...he has a girlfriend why did I even think I'd have a chance with him...?'
Shirabu was bursting out of tears running hoping that Semi wasn't after him.

That girl wasn't Semi's girlfriend but his ex-girlfriend, ever since Semi said he's fallen out of love she has been going crazy over him, she wanted to date him again. She promised Semi she'd kill anyone who'd get into the way of their relationship...so that means Shirabu's next...or is he?

or is he?

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Part 4 coming this night/morning (wherever you live)  or tomorrow morning or night

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Part 4 coming this night/morning (wherever you live)  or tomorrow morning or night...

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