Please...- (Bad ending)

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Shirabu opened the door and saw Semi's Ex and she was the one who forced those guys to rape him. He started backing up while Semi's ex started walking towards you. Shirabu started having tears run down his face, he then grabbed her hair leaving her dying on the floor. After, Shirabu ran upstairs and called the first person in his contacts but before he realized who he called, the person who he contacted answered immediately.

( Normal Shirabu bold semi )
"What's wrong?"
"Your girlfriend is at my house trying to find me...or whatever idc anymore...just please help..."
"....I'm coming right now stay quiet and make sure she doesn't lay a damn finger on you"

After Shirabu hung up trying to remain quiet until he heard footsteps coming up the door. Semi's ex broke the door down and came near Shirabu and she put her hand on Shira's thighs trying to take off his belt. Shirabu started crying and pushed her away and ran downstairs and saw Semi standing there, he ran to semi and started hugging him while Semi started getting mad. He saw his ex coming down the stairs and she tried to act all innocent. Semi slapped his ex and said..."I respect woman but not you" he then grabbed Shirabu's hand and they both got in Semi'a car driving towards his house.

For some reason Shirabu wanted a when Semi said that he's gonna go get some groceries and left Shirabu grabbed a blade to cut his hands. Semi knew that it was a bad idea to leave Shirabu alone especially when he was crying so he left security cameras in every room. Shirabu was shaking he didn't know if it was a good idea but the only thing that's telling him to do it was his inner thoughts.

'Semi has a girlfriend, so stop crushing on him, and even if they broke up, why would you think he'd ever want to date an ugly weird stupid annoying bitch like you?'
Shirabu started sobbing and grabbed the blade and cut, he cut and cut until he felt dizzy and fell on the floor. Semi looked at the security cameras after getting the groceries and saw a puddle of blood around Shirabu while he was laying on the floor. He started worrying and panicking while sobbing, he started his car and drove home and saw cuts on his wrists and started crying. He called the ambulance and they then went to the hospital. After a few months, Shirabu has still been in the hospital until semi got a message from the hospital. He was scared and excited, he was scared if Shirabu wasn't okay and excited is he was alright. When he opened the message the first thing he thought to himself was, 'I hope he's alright...'  but the message said otherwise

Unfortunately, Kenjirō Shirabu passed. We are very sorry for your lost but we hope you're able to move on!

Semi stood there with his eyes wide open while having tears fall down his face. He ran to Shirabu's place to see he was still there. He ran to him and hugged him "what's up with you bitchy-semi?" Shirabu says "I'm just happy you're okay...."
Then he snaps out of it.
Kenjirō Shirabu
    1995 - 2014
     May 4th

"Semi HES dead..." Kawanishi says, Semu cried while realizing he was hugging Shirabu's grave. The whole shiratorizawa stood there looking at Semi hugging the grave. "Can you guys leave real quick...?" Semi said to the others, they nodded and walked away, Semi sighed and said.

"I know you're dead but I just want to say...I love you. Even if we argued a lot you will forever remain in my life even if you're not truly there. By the way she was my ex...that day where we spend together I wanted to kiss you...I wanted to be the guy who was lucky enough to have you...I wanted to marry you...but I guess I was to late. Y-you...I-I'm forever...Kenjirō Shirabu..."

                                  The End
(Bad ending, good endings coming when I have motivation again 😼)

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