Chapter 2

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  The image above is the layout of Red leader's room

The light blue around the circle indicates where glass is.

Boxes are doors

Thick black lines are walls

And anything that isn't spaced without a wall means it's connected to the rooms without walls.

Just wanted to provide a quickck lay out since this is the over view, not only of his room, but the over view of the building shape.


The elevator jolted, slowing to a stop and leveling out with the floor before the doors opened. Tom was created with a long white hall, singular red stripes going done both sides to the end of the hall that split three ways.

Tom passed down the silent hall, a few rooms being occupied by meetings or presentations by high leaders and associates. Mostly debriefings on the next mission and where they'll be focusing on next.

Toes pulled four his ID again, seeing a few men moving down the hall, looking at him suspiciously.

"Oi! Stop there. Le' me see some credentials short st—"

Tom flashed them his ID as he moved past, going down the middle intersection that seemed rather reserved.

He flicked his pass to another scanner that turned green, identifying him as he walked down the hallway and sending it to the leader's computer in his unoccupied office.

Tom finally got to the end of the hall, meeting a set of heavy doors labeled with a gold plaque.

Red leader's quarter

It seems a little dumb to label the room of where your boss is, but it's almost impossible to reach the top floor through all of it's defenses, even if you tried to scale the tower, you'd be shot unknowingly from hidden snipers by the time you'd reach the fifth floor.

A little ways before for it was a nother door, this one only single doored, but with a similar plaque.

Secretary to Red Leader Quarters

He found it a little weird for it not to just say Tom Vinsewood. But the people of the base probably wouldn't bother learning his name to his face to his position of status.

Or maybe the boss just liked seeing his title around the base.

He slid his ID over the scanner, the door soon giving a few mechanical white before clicking. Tom pressed his elbow down on the handle, pushing the door open with his backside, peering into he room.

It was dark. Pitch back.

Tom moved inside, the heavy door closing and locking behind him as his goggles gave him a greenish vision of objects. These things were a God send in these situations.

He dodged a few chairs and tables, moving to another door and pushing inside. This room was, again, dark. But he could see just fine.

A bed was pressed to a wall to the right, a lump shifting ever so slightly for a few seconds before settling as Tom made his way over.

He gently elbowed a small switch to a bedside lamp, turning around and sitting himself on the bed, the tray in his lap.

The bedroom was decorated simply. Red sheets on the bed, a few pillows, a desk beside the large curved wall and a television. A simple sleek dark oak dresser pressed against a flat walk and a few shelves with valuables.

Tom turned slightly, seeing the big lump wrapped in covers, a small display of pale flesh and light brown hair. And red. Just a little flash underneath it with a slight blue glow.

He set the tray next to him on the bed, laying his hands back and smirking.

"Surprised to still see you in bed," he said, a groan emiting form the covers. "You're usually up by 4."

The mass shuffled around a bit, soon a grey eye met a digital head set. An eye patch taking place of the other one and slightly red skin creeping up a defined chin and cheek.

"Where were you?"

Tom took a deep breath, clearing his throat as he shrugged off the shudder sent through him from the scratchy voice.

"We may have had time for celebration yesterday, but we still have work. You're the one that insists on it." Tom said, pulling out his tablet.

There was a shuffling behind him, the bed creaking softly as warm hands slipped around his waist, lightly tugging his blue shirt out from their tucked position.

"I could'a sworn I put you out of commission."

Big hands lightly pressing under neath the shirt, rubbing Tom's lower back and abdomen soothingly, allowing the secretary to sigh softly before laughing.

" You did, and I completely understand. You were excited—"

"In more ways than one."

Tom rolled his eyes slightly, pulling up the schedule.

"Did you not remember? I tried getting outta bed and fell. I basically dragged myself into the shower." He said, feeling said hands rub up his stomach, his black vest now going the crumpled state of his shirt as a warm body pressed against him.

" Come back to bed."

Ah. Commanding as ever.

"We have a schedule. You have meetings you need to be in." Tom pointed out, feeling lips press to his neck, a hot tongue dragging against his skin as hands tried to undo his tie, wanting to open up his shirt and reveal all the marks given form the night before.

"We may have conquered Africa. But the western world is still free."

Tom pointed out, taking those hands and settling them on the bed, biting back a smile as a small growl came from busy lips.

"What are you wearing? What happened to the new outfit you wanted? I gave you the money—"

"Like I said," The secretary intervened, pressing a button on his tablet, the curved wall suddenly pulling back to reveal glass and a sunny day.

"We've got meetings today."


I'm really sad cause I'm just spitting out chapters left and right but I can't even commit putting out a chapter for one of my other books

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