Chapter 7

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Tom flicked the pen between his fingers, his elbows sat on the desk as he sat on top of his crossed legs. His headset was still scanning and taking in information, this task becoming increasingly hard as his mind was fuzzy and boggled by all the moving pieces and strategies from the generals and all the peas from other countries, some even threatening to attack on their own accord.

How the hell does Tord keep up with all of this?

Tom sighed, looking to the stack he had finished, almost completely through, save for the few high-classification profiles that he didn't have the mind to deal with. He didn't have the right thought process, or even the nerve to sign deals that were handing over countries and possibly thousands of lives along with it.

He looked up as he heard a chuckle, seeing the Red Leader leaning against the closed door behind him. his silver eye hooded and clouded with an emotion Thomas had become far to familiar with.


"Glad I can count on you to obey orders." The leader said sarcastically, pushing forward from the door and making his way over to his desk. His gaze traveled over the crouched form, watching a pleasant redness tint his secretary's features at the attention. You'd figure with how often that gaze is taking up his body, he'd be used to it.

"You're the one with loads of paperwork. I'm simply taking a load off you're back."

The leader smirked, his heavy boots thumping against the wood floors, opening his mouth to make a comment-

"Don't you dare say anything about that. I get it, sex and cum. Haha, hilarious."

The taller male laughed, his lips curling up into a familiar smile that many beneath Tord's status never had the pleasure of witnessing. The younger smiled as well, looking back down at the documents in front of him.

"Sassy little thing for someone who's not gonna be able to walk in the morning."

Tom shivered, his digital eyes peaking to the side, seeing a large hand, gloved and organic fingers peaking out from the leather. The presence beside him made the shorter of the two relax, a warmth taking over his body as he saw the figure, half bent over and leaning towards his ear.

"Vis kongen din hvor mye du vil ha ham."

His hot breath ghosted over Tom's neck, sending a violent shudder up the younger's spine and a devilish smirk plastering itself on Tord's lips. Tom turned his head, his lidded gaze protruding through the headset as he looked to the older, body slouched as he whined slightly.

"No fair. That's dirty ." His face was inches away from The Red Leader's, a front row seat to that teasing smile that was always forwarded in his direction. He's seen him throw it around a few times. Towards his parents, some high class generals that he was forced to get along with-- and Tom.

"Vil du se skitten? Jeg skal vise deg skitten, Bunny."

His accent was thick, always has been and most likely always will, always managed to force arousal through the shorter of the two. The way it'd twist words in his second language, honey dripping from his words and sweet as chocolate. But speaking in his native tongue was a whole 'nother story. Deep cords dipping deeper as he expertly pronounced word that- in all honesty, sounded like madness- somehow managed to have them sound like the sweetest poems and gentlest words Tom has ever had the pleasure of hearing.

Whoever said French was the language of love, clearly never heard a norwegian man speak.

The shorter male let out a a shaky breath as lips pressed to his neck, ginger kisses pressing against the cool skin, a tongue popping out every so often to lick at the soft flesh. Teeth nibbled on fresh patches of skin, sometimes biting lightly in to yellowed spots of past marks, almost gone before being renewed by sharp teeth. Smaller hands moved up, reaching to hold the taller's shoulders yet being caught by larger hands. Both thumbs from said hands, one organic and the other a cool metal, pressed into Tom's palms, rubbing circles into them. Tom hummed softly, hands slightly sore from holding the pen so tightly.

"Kom nå, skat. La meg ta deg til sengs. Hjelp deg med å slappe av."

Tom pouted slightly as Tord's lips lightly pecked his cheek bone, turning his head to look into his silver eye.

" Hvorfor må du erte meg sånn? Du er så grusom."

Tord chuckled as Tom spoke, nose nudging against the heavy head set, the other's small nose peaking out and tapping the older's.

" Min kjære," The leader started, pulling Tom's hands and backing up, beckoning him up and off his chair. "la oss legge oss, jeg får deg ikke til å vente lenge. "

The younger hummed as the taller leaned down, their lips connecting as their hands moved, smaller ones grabbing at the collar of a blue coat, and bigger ones sliding around a perfect waist, rubbing circles into his lower back. a few moments passed before they finally pulled away from each other, aroused kisses nipping at their lips as they attempted to separate.

They were clearly failing.

" My dear- Sukkerplomme. You're much too distracting- jævla helvete." He breathed, resting his hands on Tom's hips as the younger chuckled slightly, cool hands holding Tord's cheeks.

" Bra at jeg ikke gikk på det møtet da. " Tom teased, his headset displaying two eyes that looked up at the older fondly. The Red leader smiled lightly at the comment, nuzzling his nose into the side of Tom's cheek.

"I would've enjoyed it a lot more if you had, min konge." Tord purred, kissing his soft cheek as the younger's hands moved to his shoulders, carefully pushing him away. "honningkrukke," The taller whined, making Tom giggle slightly.

"Vi kommer aldri til sengen din hvis vi fortsetter slik." the older pouted as the shorter tugged him along, quickly logging out of Tord's computer and storing the documents away, grabbing his own bag and flicking off the lights as the two exited the room.


Hope you liked it.

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