Chapter 8

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Short smut warning Begins at : *The room was dark.


Tom and Tord passed through the halls, each window dark and slightly lit with the lights outside on the grounds, lamp posts with few soldiers walking about and chatting with one another. Some possibly coming back to base after a nice dinner in a nearby town, or simply walking back to their barracks, unaware of their proud leader and his secretary, both on their way back to his room to 'get some'.

The halls were mostly bare, save for the few guards and generals passing by them, eyes wandering to the dense metal hand settled heavily on the waist of the shorter man, deeming importance or security over the young male beside their ever so capable leader. Yet they never let their eyes wander too long, and those who did often found themselves at the end of a narrowed grey glare that shook their core enough to deter their looks away.

Tom's left hand was rested up on his boss's bicep, the usual cool metal covered in his thick blue coat and simple revealing the bulk of his muscle where the cloth stretched along his prosthetic. It was amazing how spot on Tord had designed it. Editing and adapting it to his strength as he trained and grew, an exact replica of his right arm as it adjusted to life. There were a few tinkering points that he wanted to add. Adequate temperatures, smoother features, he had even mentioned the idea of interchangeable fingerprints, also toying with the idea for adding pager motors or coin vibration motors as a fun little add on for his partners pleasure. And who the hell was Tom to say no to a few on the go vibrators?

Of course it was all purely hypothetical with a whole bunch of 'if's and 'maybe's. Eh. A guy could dream.

A smile spread over Tom's lips as they began to approach the elevator, feeling the hand on his waist drop down slightly.

"Utålmodig, Eh?" Tom teased, jumping as the hand tenderly grabbed his ass. "Gleder meg til å knekke den rumpa." The older growled near his hot air. Tom bit his lip, laugh quietly as the other smiled lightly. Things didn't translate exactly from English to Norwegian so the interpretations were always fun in the middle of dirty talk. "Kanskje vi holder oss til engelsk med skitten snakk." Tom suggested, standing in front of the elevator as the levels went down, soon watching the doors open with a few generals and cadets quickly moving out and past the duo as they stepped in.

" Knulle deg, aksenten min er sexy, og du vet det."

Tom laughed slightly as the doors closed, the heavy metal machine eased into an upward motion and began to ascend the many floors. The clean composure they had built and maintained seemed to shatter within a moment. Big hands immediately yanked the younger to his chest, fingers usually busy with a tablet wrapped around tough shoulders and run through the back of light brown hair. Body's collided as the shorter lifted his legs, wrapping his strong thighs around a fit waist and Tord's hands adjusted to hold him properly, both distracted as lips fought against one another. Tongues slipped past each other as Tom's back hit the glass of the wall, breathing turning hard as rough lips kissed down his neck, teeth nipping at already bruised flesh.

"Think you can pull away in a minute? I think your a little too attached." Tom teased, head tilting back as a growl rumbled through the others chest. "Bare hysj." The younger giggled slightly, biting his lip as hips grind up against his ass, a stiff object pressing firmly against the cleft of his backside.

"Jævla synd at du må sitte på noe så deilig."

The younger smirked slightly, a metal hand sliding between them both and lightly smoothing over a black vest, roaming the clothed chest and making a slight 'dink' and scrape as the back of his hand brushed against his own name tag. "This thing is totally useless, ya know." Tom spoke, head dipping back as rough lips nipped at his throat, lightly sucking on his adam's apple. " Everyone already knows who you are."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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