19. Meeting the witch.

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Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring!

For peet's sake!

Who could be at the door at this insanely hour?

And where are the door opening people around this house?

I almost tumbled down the stairs due to the insistent ringing of the door bell. They stopped when I was on the last step. At least someone had half the mind to stop the torture.

The walk to the door across the hall happened to be longer than usual, it was like it was delaying the inevitable. And it sure was.

Standing on the other side of the door was Medusa's sister wearing her perfectly cold scowl , pursed lips and ice cold glare that had me freezing on the spot. She looked angry at the world, and right now all of it was directed at me.

Her eyes met mine when she finally noticed the open door. Did I say her glare was cold? Well now it was daggers glazed with fire directed at me. I could feel them piercing me from all directions. The woman was a hateful witch and she was here on a mission. I had a feeling she came for me, and the thought of it made me take an involuntary step back.

Then I realized what I was doing and recovered the space immediately plastering a very wide but fake smile.
What was scaring me about a middle aged woman who had jewelry hanging from everywhere she could put it?

Her hair clip was enormous and extra sparkly, the necklace had hundreds if not thousands of pearls and diamonds, not to mention the large rings on each finger. Her earrings were low key surprisingly.
The whole get up could feed a third world country and have enough to spare for a comfortable life for the rest of my days.

Atleast I could recognize the expensive labels that I only saw on magazines or TV, but generally it was ridiculous. I would totally burst into laughter if I didn't know who the angry woman was.
There was a large portrait of her in one one numerous hall ways in this house looking as ridiculous as she was now.
The famous lady of the house, Mrs. Dolf. Oh how I have waited to meet her tight snobby ass.

She was throwing several glares at me at this point. To angry to say a word.

"Mrs. Dolf! What a surprise. What are standing there for, come right in. Blake will be over joyed when he finds out you are here... uninvited."

No he will not.

I knew there little scuffle existed but I never knew how far they had gone into blows.

I couldn't wait to see his face.

He'll be furious.

The woman looked visibly surprised at my enthusiasm, the smile was twice as large now showing as many teeth as I could allow.

She calmed herself and snorted while making her way inside. Head straight, chin turned up, steps measured, she looked like the snobbish English women from my books.

I was holding in my giggles until I noticed the next miss universe accompanied by a very cute but also snobbish puppy. The humor was gone the minute I realized how unkempt I looked while the woman looked ready for a walk down the ramp.

Who was she?

My answer was answered ten minutes later when Blake arrived looking as flustered as a virgin on her wedding night. To make it more clear, the wedding was a forced one.

The anger was clear in his eyes, he did not even pack his flashy car when he arrived.

" Who in the world let you in?"

The prim and proper ladies on plash seats were startled from their pinky raising tea session. They had not looked or said a word to me since they arrived. Rude much.

Now the show I had anticipated was just beginning.

"Blake, you're here?" Mrs. Dolf crocked. She was visibly nervous I could tell.

Pfft! Where's her pointed nose now?
The pretty woman was squirming in her seat at this point. I would too, the guy was livid. She definitely did not expect the warm welcome.

"It's my house mother, and for the last time I will ask who in the world let the both of you in!"

Both women gulped. The miss glared at me.

Ops. That's my cue to run.

Blake got the message and turned his body to me. His gigantic mass and extra bulging muscles ripping under his ever expensive suit. Was he growing taller?

Oh oh.

"You!." He growled.

I could not understand how I was in the mix suddenly. All three were glaring at me now.

"H...Hi, you're getting taller you know?" I gave a nervous laugh after my all of sorts reply.

Damn the guy can glare.

He looked confused at that. That's my chance.

"Oh, I suddenly remember I had this... thing...the thing is... I'll be upstairs if you need me dear." I threw him my award winning smile and speed my guilty ass out of there.

So close.

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