𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 ; 𝑇𝑜𝑑𝑎𝑦

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    AMANE BEING THE IDIOT HE IS; realized tommorow is Tuesday

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    AMANE BEING THE IDIOT HE IS; realized tommorow is Tuesday. Meaning you two won't have time for the date, you both would but it would end really quick.

   "Idiot Amane.." You mutter in class, he apologized over the phone yesterday. "Could've told me in person.." Pouting you look back up at the board.

   Seeing the teacher doing his work was also boring, deciding to doodle in class. Looking to you're side their was the sight of the bright sunlight shining over the flower field you and Nene planted together.

   Class dismissed and you skipped over to Amane's class. He was fighting with Akane again. "Amane-Kun,," You whisper hopelessly.

   "Why'd you be a little pussy and back out!" Akane shouted at the black haired boy. "W- I didn't back out! It was Monday! Come on! I care about her rest!" Amane retorted.

   "You know Y/N! Who the hell said she was gonna sleep early anyways!" Akane cries as Amane thinks about that. "wait you're right i apologize."

  "As you should." Amane smiles even if he's pissed. "What's happening?" You ask as Akane 'ooo's and leaves the boy. "Akane being the usual asshole he is!" Amane chuckles.

   "When should our so called hangout be, Amane?" You look at him as ponder's. "Friday!" He smirks.

  "Alright," You say, "Class- be right back maybe in a few hours~" You smile back as he pouts slightly.

  "Pool clean up?" Amane asks Akane as he smirks fixing his glasses. "Think about it. You're Y/N in a white shirt with water on it hehe-" Amane punches the perverted boy; blushing red.

  "i know you wanna see that amane." Akane says before getting punched again. "Shut up you overgrown mutated orange." He retorts. "Hahaha I know you love me!" Akane shouts;

   "i really don't i do hope you die." Amane looks away in disgust putting his hand's up.

  Their friendship was odd, friends but also they want to practically murder eachother.

  "Amane! I'm bac- wait where is he?" You ask back again. Aoi seems to see you; stopping to water her flowers smiling a hand on her cheek.

  "Playing soccer~ I heard Akane-kun was there to! I'll go since I promised him I'll be there." Aoi smiles finishing her watering walking with you to outside.

   "I'm gonna bet he begged you to-"


  Upon going outside you turn red at Amane, uh- drenched in sweat smiling. Woaaaahh- who knew he worked out! Amane with abs! Amane with-

   "stop me please." You mutter sitting on the bench watching the game. Amane picks up his water drinking it, grabbing the collar of his shirt kinda waving some air to his abdomen.

   "Y/N?" Amane asks turning to you. You were also drinking you're water. Being the introvert you are sunlight will murder you without water;

   "Yes?" You ask closing it with the cap, "Oh- the games about to start. Hold my water please?" He winks. You blush nodding;

   "Isn't Amane-Kun cool? Y/N?" Aoi smiles; "he's not just cool aoi. he's hot." You mutter to her, "to be specific sexy maybe." You continue the girl just chuckles.

   You drink you're water; wiping you're mouth with you're hand. Amane's back taking the water in your hand drinking it.

   . . .

   "AMANE MY WATER-" you shout; he turns red looking at the bottle.

   Amane Y.

   It read; "y/n this is my water..?" He says. You blush red, "i just drank that." You squeak. He looks at you as you do the same, the staring contest goes down for about 20 seconds before you back away falling off the bench.

   You blush as the boy does the same realizing it later then you; "S-SORRY! I DIDNT MEAN TO I SWEAR!" You shout waving you're hands as he uses his shirt to cover his blushing face, looking away from you waving his hand also,

   "N-No- don't apologize! I liked it- wait no- you didn't mean it!" He stammers, "YOU LIKED IT!?!" You scream as "N-NO- I MEAN I DID- AAA SHUT UP AMANE!" He screeches.

  The whole school. Knows how you two like eachother. Just you two being practical idiots think you both don't.

   "i apologize yugi for drinking you're water." You say. "DONT SAY MY LAST NAME-" He cries. "That was a scene~ you're so bold! Amane-Kun! Y/N-San~!" Aoi grins.

  "goodbye; i will now ascend." You say walking away; "NOOO- COME BACK!" Amane shouts. You turn to him blushing, putting a thumbs up.

   "Sayonara amaneee."

  "Y/NNNNNN!!!" Amane goes on his knee's before crying slightly.

  "It's like a heartbreaking anime scene; just not really." Yashiro mutters; Tsukasa nods.

     "I know right,"


     "their both plants whats the difference?"


this fic will have crackhead chapters. But soon enough the crackhead act will break and the real shit begins.

This motivation to update this story is here. To those who know me for a long time, expect another chapter really quick.


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