September 1st, 1992

50 1 7

I finally get to go back to Hogwarts! I jump out of bed and sprint to Moony and Padfoot's room. 

"MOONY!" I yell, jumping on their bed. "PADFOOT!"

Moony groans and rolls over out of bed. "Good morning, Harry. Excited for Hogwarts, then?" 

Soon, we've eaten a breakfast of pancakes, eggs and toast and are on the platform.

"Remember Harry." Moony says. "Stay safe, okay? I know you'll be okay, just do try to stay out of trouble."

I laugh. "Okay, Moony." I hug Moony and Padfoot one more time before getting on the train. I find an empty compartment.

Soon, Draco Malfoy, my best friend, runs in. 

"HARRY!" He shouts. 

"Hi, Draco!" I say. "I haven't seen you in ages." 

He sits across from me. "Yeah, believe me, I know." He sighs. "How was your summer?" He asks me. 

"It was great!" I say. "I finally got to see Moony and Padfoot again!" 

Draco grins at my excitment. 

"How was yours?" I ask tentitivly 

Draco bites his lip. "It was...okay." He replies. He mvoes to sit next to me. 

Ron and Hermione burst in. "Hey, Harry, hey, Malfoy!" Ron says peppily. Ron and Hermione sit down next to each other. 

"How were your summers?" Draco asks.

Ron nods. "It was good."

"Mine was great!" Hermione grins. "I went to Ireland!"

"Oh, that's fun." I say. 

Soon, we sit eating snacks. I tear open a chocolate frog. I hops on my head and I grab it before it can escape. Draco laughs.

"Smooth, Potter." He teases. 

"Shut up!" I say, nudging him.

Draco grins. Ron and Hermione share a look.

"What?" I ask upon seeing it.

Hermione shakes her head. "Nothing."

I purse my lips. "Okay then."

Soon, we arrive at Hogwarts and we get into carriages. Draco and I ride one and Hermione and Ron ride in another. I smile.

"I missed hanging out with you." I admit.

"I missed it too, Harry." Draco sighs. He bites his lip.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

Draco shakes his head. "No, it's alright. Ignore me."

"When have I ever done that?" I ask. 

Draco sighs. "I can't tell you, Harry." He says.

I look at my hands, upset. "Why not?" I say.

"It's not just you I can't tell. I can't tell anyone." He admits. 

"Oh." I say. Though that did make me feel a tad bit better. 

When we arrive, I walk away from Draco to the Gryffindor table. Ginny is getting sorted this year. I watch as she walks up to the school and places the hair over her flaming red hair. 

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouts. 

I clap aggresivly and Ron does too. She sits with us.

"Nice job, Gin!" I say. 

Ginny grins. "Thanks, Harry!"

Ron ruffles her hair. "Always knew you'd be in Gryffindor."

Ginny beams. "I was really worried I'd get Slytherin."

I laugh. "Gin, you're too nice to be in Slytherin." 

I realize what I'd said and look at Draco. I know he couldn't have heard it, but still. His grey-blue eyes catch mine and I smile. He smiles back. 

"We can show you the ropes, Gin!" Ron says enthusiastically. 

Ginny smiles. "Thank you, Ronald!"

Later, I sit in the Gryffindor common room with Hermione, Ron and Ginny. Hermione tells us all about Ireland. 

"And then we went to this rock..." She continues.

"What's so great about a rock?" Ron asks incredulously. 

Hermione hits him. "Shut up, Ronald!"

That night, I lay in bed. I hope Draco's having a good first day back, even though he doesn't have any friends in Slytherin. I hope Ginny likes her roommates. I hope a lot of things and know so little. Oh well. That might change tomorrow, I think as I fall asleep. never know. 

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