October 1st, 1992 and October 31st, 1992

39 1 1

It's finally October. I walk out to the tree, it's few remaining leaves glint orange in the afternoon sunlight. The air is heavy with mid fall mist. I sigh. I'm between classes and I have Herbology next. We're working with the mandrakes again. They're quite a pain. I sit higher on the tree than normal. The tree sways slightly in the breeze. I hear the crackle of leaves. It reminds me of the fire before the door last year. Before I faced Quirrell and Voldemort. I slam my eyes shut. But I see the gleam of the mirror, the glint of the stone, the purple of the turban, the red of his eyes. I see Hermione handing me my potion, I see her leaving, I see Draco leaving, I see Ron getting hurt. I sway with the tree branch. I feel the same sharp pain in my scar. I clamp my hand to my forehead. My eyes whip open and I see Draco walking towards our tree. I climb lower, trying to keep my hands from shaking.

"Hey, Draco!" I say.

He smiles and waves. Then, he looks concerned. "Harry, you're practically white, are you okay?" He asks.

I nod, my hands gripping the tree fiercely, the tips of my fingers red. "I'm fine, Draco."

Draco gives me an incredulous look but climbs up into the tree with me.

"Are you sure?" He asks me, his eyebrows furrowing.

I let go of the tree, nodding.

Draco nods slowly. "Alright then..."

We sit in silence for a bit, the leaves rustling. Then, we see Ron and Hermione running over.

"GUYS!" Hermione calls.

Draco and I hop down from the tree.

"Yeah." I say

"So, we were talking to Nearly Headless Nick, the Gryffindor ghost." Ron says. Draco and I nod. "And he asked us if we wanted to go to his deathday party. And Hermione is making us go. Would you guys come too?" Ron asks.

Draco laughs. "A deathday party? How morbid."

I roll my eyes. "Sure, we'll come."

Draco scowls at me. "But the feast. Won't it look suspicious if we aren't there?"

"Dumbledore isn't counting every single student, Malfoy." Ron says bitterly.

I roll my eyes again. Their rivalry is getting quite annoying.

Draco glares at him. "Whatever, Weasley."

I sigh. "Guys, just stop."

They glare at each other once more and then turn away.

Soon, it's time for the deathday party. The four of us walk past the great hall and down into the dungeons. I shiver as we walk farther. There are almost no torches in the hallways.

When we get there, the room is filled with ghosts. The candles are all black with vivid blue flames. There is a noise like nails on a blackboard, which I guess is supposed to be music. There's a table of rotting food. Nick walks, or floats I suppose, over to us.

"Oh, Ron! Hermione! You made it!" He says. "And you brought friends." Nick turns to Draco and I. "Hello, Harry!" I wave. "And who are you?" He asks.

Draco glares at the ghost. "I'm Draco Malfoy."

I resist rolling my eyes. Nick nods. "Well, welcome! What do you think?"

"It's very..." Hermione thinks of the right word. "There's a great turn out."

Nick grins. "I know! I even got some ghosts all the way from Norway!" He looks at a clock on the wall. "I better go great some people." He says and he leaves.

"It's quite cold." Ron says. I nod. I'm shivering rather aggressively at this point.

After the party, we make our way upstairs. We walk through a hallway. The floor is soaking wet. We lift our robes. Then, Hermione screams. She's pointing at a wall.
There are words painted in blood and Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris hangs by her tail off a hook. The words read: The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir beware.

"We best get out of here." I say, making to leave, but it's too late. The flood of teachers and students from the great hall greet us. The students gasp as they see us. McGonagall pushes to the front.

"What on Earth is the hold up?" Then, she sees it. "Somebody get Dumbledore."

But, he arrives, along with Professor Lockhart.

"Everyone back to their dormitories." Dumbledore says. "Except you four."

"You can use my office, Professor!" Lockhart says eagerly. "It's closest."

"Thank you, Gilderoy." Dumbledore says. Filtch is sobbing behind him. McGonagall picks up the cat and we follow. McGonagall sets the cat on Lockhart's desk. Dumbledore examines it.

"She is not dead, Filch." He says. "She is merely petrified."

"HE DID THIS!" Filch cries, pointing at me. "HE DESERVES PUNISHMENT!"

"No second year could have done this." McGonagall says. "I believe they were merely in the wrong place at the wrong time." The four of us exchange looks. "Pomona will have the madrakes ready soon." She looks to us. "You may go."

The four of us run away. We stop at a bench.

"Who do you think did do it?" Draco asks, fearful.

"I dunno." I say. "Something evil."

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