Izuku's First Job

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Later that week, Izuku made it to the client's house and stood on their roof, waiting for someone to come out.

The client had said that every night at midnight the target came out to smoke a cig and drink.

Izuku checked his phone. 11:40. He had ~20 minutes left, so he decided to mess around with his gear.

He took Hatsume's watch out of his bag and strapped it onto his wrist, and unlocked it.

"Tap it three times, right?" he muttered aloud. He tapped it and the watch inflated, swallowing him whole. When he reemerged, he could see that his school uniform had been replaced with a black T-shirt and jeans. His red shoes were now normal sneakers. It felt weird to look down and not see his signature shoes, but he was insanely surprised.

He hadn't even noticed that his clothes had been taken off, let alone replaced.

He caught his reflection on the metal chimney and found that his green messy hair was now a plain brown and quite long, with an undercut. His eyes were also oddly purple. When Izuku looked back down at the watch, he saw that it had also partially disguised itself, now looking like a friendship bracelet instead of a watch.

His phone beeped, pulling him out of his awe. It was a text from the client.

He had a rough day today. He's on his way out now.

Izuku checked the time. Thirteen minutes early.

As if on cue, the back door opened and a man walked into the yard, settling down on the chair in front of a fireplace.

The man wasn't wearing a shirt, only sweatpants, and he wasn't wearing shoes, only a pair of socks.

The man took out a box of cigars and pulled one out, lighting the end of it.

Izuku sighed and stood, pulling out the Naifugan and the gloves. He was relieved to see that his gear hadn't changed its appearance.

Izuku jumped from the roof, forgetting that the watch had changed his shoes. He fell and rolled into a bush. His face and arms caught on the branches and he winced as the branches cut into his skin, leaving shallow cuts along his cheeks and arms. Quickly recovering, he stood up and brushed himself off.

"Who's there?" yelled the target, jumping to his feet.

Dammit. Now he knew Izuku was there. And he had been hoping for a quick and easy kill. Oh well.

Izuku stumbled out from the bushes and faced the man. He tightened his grip on the Naifugan, growing nervous.

"Uh, hey. You're Ralph, right?" The man narrowed his eyes.

"So what if I am." The man huffed, crossing his arms. "What are you doing in my bushes, you animal?" he screamed. Izuku didn't even wince. He was used to getting screamed at. Nothing new.

"Right. I'm an assassin. I'm here to kill you." Izuku said, smiling.

The man glared at him. "An assassin wouldn't tell someone outright that they are going to kill them."

"Well, as you can clearly see, I am very bad at my job." Izuku laughed sheepishly.

The man scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Get off of my property. Now."

Izuku shook his head. "Can't do that. I'm expecting to get quite the pay from this job, so uh, yeah, I'm just gonna shut up and kill you now." Izuku shot the man's arm with a knife, missing where he thought he had been aiming. "Dammit. It's so hard to aim at night. I can't see a thing." he said as the man howled in pain, falling to his knees and clutching his arm.

"Y-you ass!" the man struggled out.

"Ouch, that's not very nice. But then again, you aren't very nice either. I hear you abuse your family, is that right? So maybe it's good that this isn't going to be a very quick death. It's clearly going to be quite painful. For you, that is. Think of this as payment for all that abuse you've done." Izuku aimed again, this time hitting the man's gut. A pool of blood was starting to slowly form around the man, more spilling out with each knife that Izuku shot into him.

When Izuku was at the last knife, he decided that that was enough and held the Naifugan right up against the man's chest, right over where his non-existent heart was.

"Goodbye, Ralph." Izuku pulled the trigger and the knife landed behind the man after tearing through his heart.

The man screamed in pain, blood spilling from his mouth.

He then collapsed, landing on the knife, which then left a small cut on his head, exactly where Izuku had refused to aim for. He really didn't want to see any brains that night.

The back door opened and a young child that seemed to be around five stood there. A woman came up behind the child, smiling as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Thank you." she mouthed, closing the door and suddenly Izuku no longer minded the fact that the man's blood was all over his clothes and on the soles of his sneakers.

The relief on that woman's bruised and bloodied face made it all okay.

"Now, I have to hide the body and clean up, huh?" Izuku groaned.

He waddled over to the man, walking through the pools of blood. It was sticky and Izuku could feel the warmth of it through his shoes. It was like walking through a puddle. Izuku was 99% sure that when he took the shoes off his socks would be covered in blood.

Izuku froze.

How was he supposed to get blood out of clothes again? Maybe Toga would know. She was quite fond of blood. Izuku would have to bring her a few cups of this guys' blood. Maybe he could use it as a thank you present for teaching him and Katsuki how to fight.

Izuku grabbed the man's body and attempted to lift him, but in the end, he wasn't strong enough to do so.

The man's body came crashing back down, more blood spilling from his wounds as he collided with the ground.

Izuku settled for dragging the man, tucking him awkwardly into the body bag Toga had given him before they had left the warehouse.

Izuku fell back, his arms whining from the man's weight. Out of anger from his tired muscles, Izuku kicked the bag, which resulted in the man's head falling back out and then refusing to fit back in.

Izuku spent the next twenty minutes trying to fit his head back in, but in the end, gave up and went over to the blood pools to gather it into a tube for Toga before it could dry up.

After all of the tubes he had were full, Izuku went over to the house and grabbed the hose, and washed the blood into the bushes and grass.

Hoping that he got it all, Izuku grabbed the body bag, tried stuffing the man's head in once more, failed, and then left.

He stayed in alleys and avoided all areas where people could be until he finally made it back to the warehouse and dumped the body bag on the doorstep, knocked, and then left.

Now back in an alley, Izuku messed with the watch again until he figured out how to turn back to normal. All traces of the past three hours were erased, minus the bloodstains on his skin and the cuts and scrapes on his face and arms.

Satisfied, Izuku walked out and finally made it home, sneaking in through his window and landing on his bed face-first. His body refused to move as if fused to the bed and before his brain could come up with the many, many, MANY, reasons he had to take a shower and change, Izuku fell asleep, leaving those problems to his future self and dreamt of the now happy family that he saved from further abuse.

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