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When Izuku finally took off the device and checked the time, he was quick to realize he had about ten minutes before his mother came back home. He quickly gathered up his things, thanked Giran and Horiuchi, and ran out of the warehouse. He was in such a frantic mode that he didn't realize the Pro standing around the corner and ran right into him.

The hero was knocked to the ground as Izuku regained his balance. He quickly apologized.

"It's fine." said the pro. Izuku recognized the hero's voice right away. Eraserhead, the underground hero. His quirk was erasing other quirks. So he was powerless against Izuku.

Still, Izuku put on the frantic citizen act. "A-are you sure? Uh..." Izuku looked Eraser up and down before pretending a lightbulb went off. "Wait! Your uh, that hero Eraserhead, right?" Izuku gasped, jumping up and down. "My er, little sister is a big fan of yours!"

Eraser looked annoyed. "Uh, yeah, that's me. Look, sorry kid, but I've got places to be." Eraserhead started to move on, but Izuku decided he had just enough time to toy with the hero and strengthen his act.

"U-uh, could I have y-your autograph or something, sir? I'm sure my little sister would love to have it!" Eraser looked extra annoyed and seemed to be growing impatient.

"Whatever. I've got somewhere to be, so let's make this fast, alright?" Izuku paused for a minute.

"Actually, she'd never believe that I actually ran into you," Izuku prompted. Eraserhead looked panicked. Izuku was right. He hated the media. "And my friends wouldn't either, uh, they are also fans. Think I could take a picture?"

Eraser mumbled. "Maybe just the autograph?" Izuku stuck out his lower lip.

"No way! I don't want them to think I'm lying! They'd just make fun of me and say I forged it! C'mon, please? Actually, they could say that I forged the picture too... ooh! Let's take a video!" Eraser raised his hand.

"Fine. A picture and an autograph, then I gotta go, ok?" Izuku smiled satisfied.

Manipulating heroes sure was easy. After the autograph and the picture were acquired, Izuku went on his way, keeping up the act of overjoyed innocent citizen until he got home. His face dropped after he closed the door behind him and as he took off his shoes, he listed the autograph online.

"Izuku? Is that you?" called Inko. Izuku quickly went back to pretending.

"Yea, I'm home! Sorry I'm late, I ran into Eraserhead and I just had to get his picture! Look!" Izuku pulled up the picture and showed it off to his mom. Inko paused what she was doing to come and look at the picture.

"Wow, you met Eraserhead? Amazing! Why don't you go and wash up? The Bakugous are coming over for dinner tonight!" Izuku froze.

Kacchan. His only liability.

"Ok, mom!" he called as he stepped into the bathroom. When he came out, he was surprised to find Inko staring back at him in front of the door.

"Why weren't you wearing your school uniform?" Izuku's heart dropped.

"Uh, I fell earlier and it ripped, so I had to change." he lied easily, feeling ashamed for lying to his poor mother.

It seemed like Inko was going to interrogate him further when the doorbell rang. 

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