Entrance Exams

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Katsuki's training went well, the only real bumps were when Katsuki landed on his ankle weird and couldn't move it for a few weeks, doctor's orders, putting him behind schedule, but he quickly caught back up and before they knew it, it was time for UA's entrance exams.

Katsuki wasn't nervous. Nervous was the last thing he was. Looking around himself, surrounded by the very people he would be betraying, he definitely didn't feel like they were able to see right through him. Like they were going to point at him and scream 'Villain!' and a hero would show up and arrest him. No. That was the last thing in his mind. Definitely.

Katsuki entered the building, surprised at first at the size of the place. The ceilings had to be at least 18 feet high. The halls were packed, not helping how long it took Katsuki before he was finally able to locate where the assembly was. He sat down in the nearest empty chair, which was in the middle of the stadium.

That was what he got for letting others beat him. Not a front-row seat, nor a back-row seat, which would have been optimal.

The extras around him were chatting amongst themselves as others filed in. Ten minutes later, when all the seats were filled, the lights dimmed and a hero Katsuki didn't recognize stepped onto the platform.

After the annoyingly loud explanation given by Present Mic (the idiotic name that the hero had called himself), Katsuki followed the extras who were in the same group as he was. He was a little disappointed that he wouldn't get to fight actual people, but robots worked too. Right now, the only thing he had to focus on was passing and getting into class 1A. No less would be acceptable and he swore, if he got into class 1B or something, he'd track down someone with a time-control quirk and go back in time until he finally made it into class 1A.

Katsuki bounced from robot to robot, his hands heating up quickly, and running around like that was producing enough sweat.

Katsuki would never admit this out loud, but he was starting to miss Hatsume's gadgets, which he had gotten accustomed to. Supposedly she was around campus somewhere, taking the support course's exam.

The whole time he was on the lookout for that zero-pointer, not caring if it didn't give him any points. The heroes wouldn't include it if it were completely useless, and just being an extra target didn't seem to make sense, but sadly the whole time he didn't run into one, as he was staying in the shadows, taking out the robots in allies instead of the ones elsewhere.

Just after he managed to knock down a two-pointer, giving him 82 points in total, the bell rang and Present Mic's voice rang out, "Times up, Listeners! Time for you to head back! If you sustained an injury, please head to the nurse's office!"

Katsuki smirked. 82 had to be enough. It had to be. Right?

At the back of his head, there was a little voice, one that told him he didn't make it. The little voice only grew louder as the days went on and there was still no sign of an acceptance letter. Izuku had tried to assure him multiple times that there was no way he didn't make it, but Katsuki just shrugged it off.

Then, one day, a week after the exam, Mitsuki ran into his bedroom, almost knocking down his door in the process.

"Katsuki! Katsuki, the letter! The letter from UA came!"

Katsuki jumped up, knocking his phone, which was next to him on his bed, to the floor as he snatched the letter from her.

"What's it say? What does it say?"

"Gimme a second, Hag! I gotta read it first!" As he tore it open, a hologram popped up from a little disk, and All Might materialized in his room.

For a brief second, Katsuki's mind flooded with hate. The stupid 'Symbol of Peace' wasn't supposed to ruin Izuku's dreams. Whether Izuku noticed it or not, when he had told Katsuki about what All Might told him, he was shaking. As if he was about to have a panic attack, from anger alone. Katsuki never even knew Izuku's eyes could hold that much hatred. It shook him to his core. And for Izuku's idol if all people. It wouldn't mean anything if Katsuki had told Izuku that he couldn't be a hero. Katsuki wasn't the only person left in Izuku's life that hadn't told him he couldn't. All Might was. All Might was the only person in the world who hadn't mentioned or commented on whether Quirkless could be heroes. But then he had. He crossed a line, and that made Katsuki more furious than ever. It wasn't his place.

Katsuki shook his head slightly, pushing that hatred to the back of his mind, refocusing on the words coming out of All Might's mouth.

"Congratulations, young Bakugou! Welcome to the Hero Course's Class 1A."

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