e l e v e n

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"We completely forgot to do activities yesterday night" I heard Lily laugh when I walked down the stairs

"Yeah we were completely fucked up" Sean replied

"Oh, good morning Addy!" Rae gave me a hug

"Good morning" I lightly smiled

My eyes were puffy from crying the whole night and it was probably noticeable since I got a lot of stares

"We.. We made you breakfast!" She awkwardly tried to cheer up the mood

I shook my head "Hm? Oh yeah sorry.. I only got like 2 hours of sleep"

"Do you wanna go back to bed?" Sykkuno asked

"No! I'm fine" I grinned and took a seat on the kitchen island

Toast was making bacon and he handed me the plate

I looked down at it and nervously giggled

I'm a vegetarian..

I was way too embarrassed to tell them so I just ate the bacon without chewing on it for too long

"Is it not good?" Toast tilted his head

"No, it's good.. I just- My tooth hurts" I lied

"Hm, okay" He gave me a suspicious look

Ludwig cleared his throat and sat down next to me making me kind of nervous "So.."

"So..?" I asked

"Any plans for today?"

"N-No" I stuttered

"Great because now you do" He chuckled and so did everyone else

"I'm confused" I giggled

"We had a lot of things planned but they didn't work out because we got drunk last night" He explained

"Oh! And what did you guys plan?"

"It'd be kinda lame to tell you" Rae laughed but she got interrupted by the doorbell

"One second" I looked in the peekhole and sighed when I saw Sam standing outside with flowers in her hand

I got out and quickly closed the door behind me

"Sam, what the Fuck?"

"Sorry, I tried to reach out to you yesterday but you blocked me.. Happy late Birthday Addy" She handed me the flowers

"Thank you but you really don't have to do this"

"I want to, Addy.. I love you"

Hearing those words made me happy but they were coming from the wrong person..

"I like someone else, I'm so sorry" I had to lie to her, otherwise she'd never get over me

Was it a lie though?

"Oh- Oh I understand.." She mumbled and turned around "I hope you enjoyed your day"

I felt bad for making her leave like that but the others were waiting for me

"Who was that?" Brooke asked as I walked in

"A friend, she came by to give me these flowers"

I tried to grab a vase from my shelf but it fell to the ground "Fuck this!" I yelled and stormed out of the living room

I heard a few mumbles until Rae came up behind me

"What's wrong with me" I asked her

"Nothing's wrong with you but something's going on and you need to tell me what happened!"

"I- Corpse didn't pick up last night and I couldn't sleep and now my Ex is at the door telling me she loves me and it's too much!"

"Oh no Addy.." She mumbled

"What do I do?" I gasped for air "I feel like I'm losing him"

"You're definitely not losing him!" She assured me "He just needs time"

I did the exact opposite and called him

calling Corpse...

call answered

𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 - corpse husbandWhere stories live. Discover now