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"This is everything I ordered for you baby girl."

"Thank you dad." I hugged him. "You're the best."

"Thanks sweetheart. This is the best time to tell you about my new job."

"Your new job? You aren't being a teacher anymore?"

"Nope. Nor am I being a stripper but my new job comes with some pros and cons."

"Like what?"

"I'm gonna be out of town a lot so you won't see me as much. But I'll be making just as much as your mom. Maybe even more."

"Oh okay."

"I'm leaving tomorrow. But I did get you something else."

"What is it?"

"Maybe a new car."

"A new.. A new...car?"

"Yeah so you can drive yourself places when I'm gone." He pulled keys out. "Oh my God dad." I hugged him. "I want you to call your mom. Maybe even visit her."

"Okay. I'll call her tonight."

"Okay. Get your room settled. I'll be in mine."

I'm so nervous. I call her. "Hi sweetheart. We haven't talked in weeks."

"Hi mom."

"How's everything?"

"Well my baby passed away but everything else is okay."

"How did she die?"

"Dad was trying to feed her but she wouldn't feed and he put her to bed but when I got home she wasn't breathing and the hospital couldn't save her."

"Oh baby I'm sorry.

"It's okay."

"So um do you like it there?"

"I actually do... Jonah lives down here with his mom so I'm okay."

"I'm sorry for lying to you sweetheart. I have no good reason. But I'm glad you're okay and you like it back at home. Where do you guys stay?"

"Dad just got us a new house. It's two bedroom the other one was only one."

"Oh. I'm glad your happy. Is school okay?"

"Yeah it's fine."

"Okay. I should've called you first. I'm supposed to be the adult here."

"It's okay. It took me awhile to call you." Someone knocked on the door. "I gotta go. I think Jonah's here."

"Okay I'll talk to you later."

"See you later mom."

"Bye sweetheart." She hung up. I hope that's Jonah. I open the door. "Oh you."

"Had sex yet?"

"Dad! Your rude girlfriend is here!"

"Have you?"

"No. I'm barely legal."

"Yeah but you've done it before."

"I'm not arguing with you." Dad came out. "Hey darling."

"Hey baby."

"You talked to her yet dad?"

"We'll talk tonight."

"You better."

"Are you expecting Jonah?"

"Yeah he said he was coming."

"Oh okay. He can stay the night if he wants."

"Oh and maybe you'll get some work done." She smiled. "Maybe you'll get some teeth work done."

"You're rude."

"I'm just copying you." Jonah knocked on the door. I opened it. "Hi beautiful."


"Look at what I got you."

"Chocolates? Thank you."

"Also a house warming gift. Here you go sir." He opened it. "Oh a blender. Thank you son."

"No problem."

"Are you gonna introduce me? I've never met this little guy before.x

"This is my boyfriend Jonah. "

"Boyfriend?" She scoffed. "Boyfriend who? You like her?"

"Woah. Don't talk about my daughter like that."

"Oh yeah cause you care about your daughter."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're leaving her."

"I'm coming back."

"Yeah after you leave her for half a year."

"Half a year?"

"I'll be gone for six months baby but I'll be coming back."

"Why didn't I get a choice in this?"

"I'm doing this for us sweetheart. So we can make money for a bigger place,more food, and everything you need."

"Don't forget our baby."

"Baby? Excuse me?"

"I wanted to try for a baby..."

"I was supposed to be your only child."

"Oh well. That sucks huh? No more precious only child."

"Dad... you're horrible for having this woman around... you wanna have a baby with her?"

"I...Tanya. You have to go...I don't want a baby with you or marry you."

"You serious? Your mentally fucked up daughter over me."

"I don't wanna hit a woman. Leave my house!"

"Fine." She pushed me and I pushed her back. "Hey hey hey." Jonah grabbed my hands. My dad took her outside. "What's going on with you two?"

"She just...got on me for not doing the nasty." He hugged me. "You know what I said. Who cares about her?" My dad came in. "You guys wanna order a pizza?"

He kissed on my neck. "Jonah."

"I'm sorry. You wanna stop?"

"I guess."

"Baby I know we talked about this but how will you know if you're ready for like touching and stuff?"

"I don't know." I wipe my tears. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm never gonna do it."

"Baby. Yes you are. You're just scared it's okay to be like that. That's the reason why you're gonna do it with me. Baby sex is always on your mind maybe think of something else?"

"Okay I'll try."

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