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"You're retiring?"

"I'm fifty. I have to retire."

"I'm fifty four. You think I'm retiring?"

"I don't care what you do. This is about me. My life. I'm retiring."

"What about our family?"

"I'm doing this for our family. That's why I'm not at work all the time. I don't have to explain anything to you. I'm retiring and it's final."

"Whatever. I'm so glad Unique decided to not be a lawyer. She's just gonna turn out like you."

"What does that mean?"

"All the things you did that she got on you for. She already was a drug addict. No job at almost nineteen. You didn't know what you were gonna do until your mom forced you to be a lawyer."

"I don't want her to be like me."

"Force her to get a job."

"Force? Why did this become a conversation about our baby?"

"She's not a baby anymore. Don't treat her that way."

"I thought you were okay with our baby living here. We're supposed to take care of her."

"Did you not hear a word I said?"

"Kevin she's staying, jobless or not. At least until her and Prince leaves. We will give them money to start their life and then we won't see them until they have our grandchildren. That's what's gonna happen."


"It's final Kevin." Oh my God. My dad doesn't want me to be here anymore. Or jobless at least. I don't even know what I want to do. I'm still in highschool. I'm so messed up. It's gonna be so hard getting myself together.
A few months later
Prince pov
I'm finally out of that horrible place. I'm going to Unique's. I gotta see her. My mom's taking me. "Unique's been coming to see me a lot."

"That's good. She just wants to make sure you're fine."

"Yeah but it seems more than that. I think other than you I'm her only friend. I don't think she should be friends with a sixty year old lady."

"Well we won't be here for long so she'll be okay."

"I'm just worried about her."

"I know but it's okay to." She stopped at the house. "I have you a night bag in the back."

"Alright." I grab it. "QI'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya ma." I knocked on the door and she drove away. Her mom opened it. "Hey."

"Oh hi Prince. Come in. It's so nice to see you."

"It's nice to see you too Mrs. Williams."

"Unique's not here right now. She's at school taking a test." Her dad came down. "Oh Prince. Here to take Unique as soon as possible?"

"Uh no. We're not leaving as soon as possible. We'll probably leave in a month or two."

"Why so late?"

"Well I just got out so I kinda wanna relax."


"You can put your bag upstairs and wait on her. She should be home soon."


"I'm staying over night. Mrs. Williams said I could."


"I want him and Unique to have a night together. They haven't really seen each other in a while."

"What if they.... have sex?"

"Okay. They're grown. They should be able to."

"I don't really trust that guy."

"He's Unique best boyfriend. Best and longest."

"I mean he got her hooked on drugs."

"Uh I'm still here."

"Go upstairs sweetheart." I went upstairs to her room. Still the same way she had it last. Except for all the school books and papers everywhere. She must be really busy with her school work. I can't wait to see her.
She walked in. "Prince!" I hugged her. "Hey baby."

"Oh my God."

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"You're staying?"

"Yeah. Overnight." She sniffed. "You crying?"

"Yeah because we can finally start our life."

"I'm excited about that too baby."
Someone knocked on the door. She got off of me and opened it. "Yes mom?"

"Why is your door locked?"


"Oh. Well dinner is ready. Come down."


"I'll meet you down there babe. I gotta do something."

"Okay." She walked out. Alright so I got her a ring before we went to rehab. I'm gonna propose. Her parents don't even know. Only my mom does. I'm gonna do it in front of her parents so I can get their blessing right away. I put it in my pocket and went downstairs. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay sweetheart." I sat down. "This looks good. Mrs. Williams."

"Thank you." We started to eat. "Do you plan on going to school again Prince?"

"I don't know. Probably not."

"How do you plan on being successful and taking care of my daughter?"

"I'll just get a job. We won't need that much."

"We're giving them money remember honey?"

"I told you we weren't."

"Yes we are. We're giving you guys a hundred k."

"That's too much."

"Shut up Kevin. So you probably can buy you guys a nice place. Just to start off and everything else."

"Everything else...there will definitely be something else."

"I hope you're not talking about kids."

"No no no. I would like to make a toast." I stood up. "To my beautiful girlfriend and her wonderful family. We're both healthy and happy. Which is why I wanted to do this." I got on one knee. "Prince..."

"We love each other baby. Your parents like me. My parents like you. We're moving in with each other babe. You're the love of my life. So will you marry me?"

"Prince um..I don't know." She got up and ran upstairs. "Why didn't you ask us before proposing?"

"I just thought you guys would be okay with it."

"Okay? With you trying to marry at nineteen?"


"My daughter's not ready for that type of commitment. She's barely ready for sex."

"Baby I think it's perfectly fine that you want to marry our daughter. She's just so young. Getting married young isn't such a good idea that's a huge change in both of your lives. Maybe you should go talk to her."
Unique pov
What do I do? I can't say yes. Am I ready? Do I want to marry right now? I wanna marry him but not right now. Oh my God I can't do this. I'm better off running away forever. Prince came in. "Let's talk about this." He sat on the floor. "I'm sorry about this. I really want to marry you. I just know you're not ready. We're not ready. Your parents even know it. I'm so sorry baby. You deserve it. You really do. I love you."

"I love you too. I'm not ready I'm sorry. I'm just so young. You're nineteen. I'm eighteen."

"Yeah. I'm gonna go home. I hate myself for this."

"Don't go home. I want you to stay continue to makeout and stuff."

"No. Maybe another day okay?"

"Okay." He grabbed his things and left.

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