All the way 🍞

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It was the second week of summer, and Hajime's insides squirmed with excitement as she and Matsukawa rolled up to the inn they would be staying at in Matsukawa's cranky Honda.

"Is that Hanamaki's car?" Hajime asked, stepping out almost before Matsukawa had set the handbrake. "That blue one?"

Matsukawa glanced over her shoulder. "Dunno. It's dirty enough."

Hajime walked over to examine the car. The backseat was covered in empty food packets and sweet wrappers, and she squinted through the mess, trying to find something that would help her identify the owner. Just as she noticed the drift of milk bread wrappers in the front passenger footwell, there was a squawk from the other side of the car park, and then a familiar voice called out to her.

"Iwa-chan! Why didn't you tell me you were here?"

Hajime grinned, turning to find Oikawa walking toward her from the inn. She dug her heels into the ground and launched toward him, racing the ten or twelve steps over to him and throwing herself into his arms.

Oikawa caught her with a burst of winded laughter, holding her tight and swinging her around as they collided. As he let her drop to her feet, Hajime tightened her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss, ignoring the whistles and jeers from Matsukawa and Hanamaki. She closed her eyes instead, losing herself in the soft press of his mouth, and the warm, familiar smell of him.

"Hi," Oikawa murmured as they parted, grinning at her.

Hajime flushed. "Hey."

"I think Iwa-chan missed me."

She rolled her eyes. "I missed your body. I can do without the rest."

Oikawa laughed and squeezed her against him. "I missed your body too, Iwa-chan," he whispered. It was too soft for the others to hear, but she coloured all the same, and forced him away with a disgusted sound.

"Oi, lovebirds! We're not carrying your bags for you!"

They separated finally, and Hajime walked over to collect her things from Matsukawa's car. As they crossed the car park to the inn's entrance, she allowed herself to finally take in the fresh air, rimed with the tangy scent of the ocean, and the smell of the trees.

"It's a shame we could only afford one room," Matsukawa sighed as they crossed the entryway and set their bags down inside.

"Why?" Oikawa asked. "Are you and Makki in need of a little privacy?"

Matsukawa snorted, and Hanamaki made a retching sound.

"The privacy is for you two," Matsukawa said archly, as Hanamaki turned away to thank the inn staff for collecting their bags. "You'd better not be all over each other the whole week."

Hajime wrinkled her nose. "You don't think we'd actually..." She trailed off, grimacing.

"We're not going to have sex in the same room as you perverts," Oikawa finished for her.

"Oi!" Hajime slapped his stomach with the back of her hand. "Not so loud!"

"Iwa-chan, I was defending you!"

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