Innocent games 🍞

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Oikawa felt a bit anxious as he waited for Iwaizumi to open the door; the brunette knew this wasn’t their first date or their last, but he just always grew nervous when it came to his precious Iwa-Chan.

He grasped the flowers in his hand when he finally heard the door knob wobble. Iwaizumi said a quick “bye, text ya on my way back” before turning his whole attention to Oikawa who was just staring at him with disbelief.

Iwaizumi quirked a brow as he crossed his arms over his chest; the raven was getting just a bit self-conscious over his appearance due to the other’s wordless reaction.

“S-Stop staring shittykawa. . .do you really not like it?” Iwaizumi asked in a hushed tone. Oikawa came back from his daydreams and immediately began to shower the raven with compliments, all while eyeing the other up and down.

“Hajime, you look beautiful. . .the skirt really emphasizes on the dips of your body, and my hoodie looks better on you then it ever did with me” Oikawa stated as he pointed to the black hoodie with an alien design. Iwaizumi snickered slightly, and blushed when Oikawa handed him the flowers and proceeded to kiss him. The brunette broke their contact and whispered a few dirty things into the other’s ear.

“Watch yourself Hajime. . .tease me or misbehave and I’ll fuck you with that skirt on. .”

Iwaizumi was the same shade of red as his skirt when he pulled away from Oikawa. The brunette smiled at the reaction; Iwaizumi didn’t like the other’s smugness and decided to do something about it. He let the other walk before purposely tripping him.

The brunette almost fell and began to whine; he turned to Iwaizumi who was innocently smelling the bouquet of roses Oikawa had gotten him. The brunette let the other catch up to him and put a firm hand on the shorter male’s hip.

“Strike one Hajime, screw up two more times and you’ll be coming home with bruises and cum dripping down your legs” Oikawa assured before kissing the raven’s hair. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes before leaning his head on the other’s arm.

“You wouldn’t dare touch me, I know you care about consent. . .moment I say no you won’t even bother to press a kiss or finger on my skin” Iwaizumi commented, Oikawa’s grip on his hip got harsher; eliciting a light groan from the raven.

“Oh really? You really think that by saying no I’ll back off?”

“If you’re a good boyfriend, you would automatically leave me alone” Iwaizumi declared. Oikawa scoffed,

“Good people sometimes do bad things Hajime, plus are you seriously telling me it wouldn’t turn you on? Saying no. . .only for me to spread your quivering thighs open, and fu—“

“Anyways! Where are we going? You never told me. . .you legitimately just said ‘hey wanna go out later today’ and that was it” Iwaizumi finished, Oikawa pouted as he realized that the raven was avoiding to continue their conversation; he smirked as he whispered the number two.

“Are you fucking serious? Why do I get a strike?” Iwaizumi snarled, Oikawa kept his happy smug smile.

“Because, it’s clear that you’re playing with me, and like I said earlier misbehave and you’ll get a strike”

“You’re a fucking piece of human shi—“

“Thanks sweetheart, I love you too, but we’re going to an arcade; Hanamaki said it was cool and I just agreed to go, so if this goes bad at least I’ll have you to make it better” Oikawa said with a love-filled tone. Iwaizumi pouted,

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