The Time Oikawa Tried to Hide Something From Iwa-chan 🍊

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"Jesus Oikawa. It's hard to believe that you're still a neurotic asshole." Kuroo said, as he positioned himself on the opposite side of the net from Oikawa. "What is this, your 500th serve of the day? Let's get out of here!" Oikawa ignored him and continued bouncing the ball at the service line preparing to jump serve.

It had been years since he played volleyball, but yet he still found that the ball fit perfectly in his hands. He and Iwa-Chan, now married for 2 years, still enjoyed the sport that had brought them together. But today was one of the days that Iwa-chan had a shift at the local hospital, so he and Kuroo found themselves at the gym playing a game between the two of them and the random people who joined in throughout the day.

He took a deep breath and tossed the ball in the air and propelled his body forward. His timing was good, but not perfect, but Oikawa was still able to have his serve go over the net. As soon as his feet landed back on the court a searing pain tore through his knee, and he crumpled to the ground at the same time the ball hit the floor on the other side of the court with no one touching it.

His vision whited out, and his body automatically curled in on itself, with his hands clutching at his knee. As he panted heavily, and tried to keep the pathetic whimpers to a minimum, Kuroo ducked under the net and rushed to his side. "Shit! Tooru are you okay? Did you break anything? Is it the same knee you've had trouble with?" Kuroo spoke a mile a minute, and with each question his tone grew more and more frantic. "Fuck! Iwaizumi is gonna have my ass!" Kuroo's hands hovered over Oikawa's knee, his fingers flittering to touch it and then pulling away as if it would cause him physical pain as well.

"Iwa-Chan is here to fuck my ass?" said Oikawa. He sounded horrified at the idea of Iwaizumi showing up and executing that task in front of everyone, but his blush on his current pale skin and that shit eating loopy smile said otherwise. Kuroo decided that the best course of action was to ignore him and make fun of Oikawa later. Getting him to the hospital so Iwaizumi could have a look at his knee seemed like the best idea for Oikawa and the worst idea for him.

Kuroo carried the freakishly long-limbed Oikawa to his car, and somehow managed to lay him in the backseat in what he hoped was a comfortable position. But there is no way anyone over 180 cm could fully extend themselves in the back seat of any car.

"Do not under any circumstance tell Hajime I'm here." Oikawa hissed out as Suga lifted his legs onto the hospital bed. "How do you expect me to keep that kind of secret from your husband?" Suga said again for what felt like the 100th time in the past 20 minutes.

As soon as Oikawa had been wheeled into this place "Do not tell Hajime I'm here" has been one of 5 phrases coming from his mouth. The other 4 where curse words or just grunts and animal like hissing. "Just wrap it up and give me some crutches, and I'll be good as new!" Oikawa tried to sound like his usual deceitfully cheerful self, only to have his voice crack and his smile turn into more of a grimace.

"There is no way that is happening Oikawa! Not only will Iwaizumi kill me for not immediately calling him in the first place, he'll kill me for sending you home when your knee is already swollen to the size of a softball and turning black and blue." Poor Suga, thought Kuroo. He is already gray and with Oikawa being a little shit, now he is going to start balding. Dachi wouldn't be very happy. Great. He now gets to deal with two pissed of husbands.

"Can't you just perform the tests Suga? I trust you!" Oikawa was getting desperate. "Please! We don't need Iwa-Chan for that." Suga looked exasperated. His skin was flushed an angry red, and he kept furiously running his hands through his hair in what seemed like a nervous tick. "I'm a Nurse Oikawa! Yes, I could run the tests, but an actual doctor needs to look over you first!" Suga inserted Oikawa's IV into his wrist and secured it in place.

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