😺💥 ◇ It Was Supposed to Be a Secret

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Ship- ShinBaku

Setting- Bakugou and Shinsou have been dating since the beginning of the year and the class only finds out now

Bakugou Pov

I was currently in the common room with the squad as we talked about relationships and crushes.

"I think Blasty hasn't been in a relationship" Mina said breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah that makes sense" Kaminari said as the squad all agreed.

Just because I'm loud and rude doesn't mean I haven't had crushes and what not.

"Well you guys are wrong" I sajd calmly shocking them.

"What?" Kirishima asked.

I rolled my eyes and signed "I have had crushes before" I said not letting them know if I have had relationships before.

"Oooh so Blasty has a heart?" Mina asked making me roll my eyes again.

"Everyone has a heart dumbass" I said before getting up and going into the kitchen.

Shinsou had recently transfered into our class as Mineta had dropped out suddenly for no reason.

I may or may not have threatened him.

But no one will know that expect Shinsou and I.

I felt hands wrap around my waist and I smiled softly.

"Hey babe" I heard Shinsou say as he got a glass as I shook my head.

"Hey" I said as I looked at him and stole a kiss from him.

I heard gasps from the squad, but didnt pay attention to them.

"Study later?" I asked as he nods.

"Ill be over at 6 so you can go to bed on time" he said making me smile at his cuteness.

"Youre staying so you get sleep to" I said sternly making him sign, but nod.

"Fine ill head to your room now then" he said making me chuckle.

"Yeah, ill be up in like 5 minutes" I said as he went up to my room.

"You.. him... what?" Kaminari muttered to himself as I chuckled.

"We never hid it. You guys just didn't look hard enough" I said as I went up to my room.

I could hear Mina squeal, but ignored it and contiuned walking to my room.

Word Count- 359

Hope you guys enjoyed it 

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