🦈⚡💥 ◇ The Right One For Us

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Sorry this didn't come out last night I had, I think, my first migraine so that was fun

Anyway enjoy

Ship- KiriKamiBaku

Setting- Kirishima and Kaminari come home and find Bakugou curled up in their bed

3rd Person Pov

Kirishima and Kaminari were on their way home after patrol. They were jamming out in the car.

Kirishima chuckles at Kaminari's' dance moves. Kaminari looked over at him with a grin.

"You like my dance moves Eijiro?" He asked as he continued to grin.

"Of course I do," Kirishima said as they pulled into their driveway.

"I can't wait to see Kat," he said as he turned off the car.

Kaminari nods in agreement as they both got out of the car. They walked inside and took off their shoes.

Kirishima looked around and frowns a bit. The house was a mess.

Which was weird for them as usually, Bakugou cleaned up before they got home. He also complained that they both didn't know how to clean.

Kaminari couldn't blame Bakugou as they both were horrible at cleaning.

"You think he took a nap?" Kaminari asked as they cleaned up a bit.

Kirishima shakes his head. "No Kat never takes naps," he said as he made his way up the stairs.

Kaminari follows after him and they opened the door to their room. Once they entered the room they saw that it was cleaned.

They looked around more and found Bakugou on their bed curled up. His eyes were closed and looked to be sleeping.

They looked at each and both took a picture of Bakugou sleeping. Both of them got into bed and Bakugou instantly cuddled into Kirishimas chest.

Kaminari cuddled into Bakugou's back as he leaned back slightly into him. He yawned and soon was asleep.

Kirishima smiles as he played with Bakugou's hair before he fell asleep with them.

Word Count- 314

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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