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The last day of school. The day every kid looks forward to. The halls were overflowing with students, saying goodbyes and exchanging addresses. The castle seemed to be bursting at the seams with laughter and joy.

So why was Celeste Malfoy sitting on the floor of the Headmaster's office, feeling tears drip down her cheeks and onto the stone cold marble?

Let's backtrack for a moment. It was lunchtime, the hall was full of happiness and cheer. Celeste was in the middle of a lively debate with a fourth year girl named Iris Quinn about which teacher would be the next to retire. Iris seemed to think McGonagall would, but Celeste knew her better than that.

Minnie would be around for as long as she could, Celeste thought with a smile.

But that was when it happened. It seemed to all happen at once. Up at the teacher's table, a large black owl like never seen before appeared at McGonagall's seat, leaving behind a thick black envelope in it's wake.

Celeste wished she didn't recognize the bird. Oh Merlin, she wished she didn't. But she did.

After reading the contents of the mysterious letter, an expression of grief overtook Minerva's face. She couldn't help but feel guilty for having to deliver this news to the poor student it belonged to. Poor child.

McGonagall decided almost immediately that waiting to deliver it would only make the news even more catastrophic, so she promptly stood up from the table, and walked towards the child in question. Right towards the marauders.

Celeste knew what was coming. At least she thought she did. She knew the owl was her parent's, and she knew that it couldn't be good, but she thought that it was merely a letter to reprimand her for her behavior or something of the sort.

"Miss Malfoy, you must follow me out of the hall at once."

Immediately, James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter got defensive.

"If you want to take her, you'll have to take us all with you." James said fiercely.

"Your courage is most admirable, boys, but I need to speak to Miss Malfoy," As she saw the boys opening their mouths to argue, she added, "alone."

Celeste turned to her friends and gave them a reassuring smile. "It's alright, guys. I'll be back soon."

Minerva's lips hardened into a line as she heard the girls reassurances.

She turned to leave the hall, Celeste trailing after her.

As they came to a stop, Celeste looked around to see Dumbledore's office.

What are we doing here?

Celeste had only ever been to the Headmaster's office as a result of pranks with the boys, she had never been here for anything she didn't find amusing.

"Fizzing Whizbee's" McGonagall spoke, and the eagle started to turn to reveal the all-too-familiar stairs.

The two climbed until they reached Dumbledore's office, walking right in.

"Ah, Miss Malfoy, Professor McGonagall. What brings you here?"

The professor handed over the thick black envelope to Dumbledore. As he read it, his smile creased into a frown.

"Miss Malfoy, I'm very sorry to have to deliver this news to you, but I'm afraid your parents are dead."

The world seemed to stop turning, everything moving in slow motion, the only coherent thing being the loudness of her thoughts. In all honesty, she thought her parents would live forever, what with their 'perfect' facade and all.

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