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I know that when you offered for me to ask you if I needed anything, you were probably just doing it out of kindness and not meaning it, but I really do need something. You can totally say no if you want.

My brother's wedding is next week, and I'm allowed one guest. I would really like if you would come, if only for moral support. I haven't seen my extended family since I was sorted and so this might be tough for me, since they're not the most welcoming of crowds. I'm really selling it, huh? I just think that you're the only one who could keep me sane through the whole thing and I'd appreciate if you were there.

Also I think if James or Sirius were to come, they'd swear at my relatives. You, on the other hand, can control your temper... most times.

So, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love to have you there.

It's at Malfoy Manor, at 11 AM next Saturday. You should climb up that tree to my room, just so you don't have to see any relatives without me by your side.

Miss you,


P.S. Tell your mum I said hi, I miss her cooking


Celeste straightened her dark green silk dress in the mirror, trying to pass the time.

She didn't want to leave her room, because leaving her room would be admitting that Remus wasn't coming. She held on to the faint hope that she wouldn't have to face the bitter feelings beyond the door alone.

Celeste sighed, clasping a silver necklace around her neck and turning to leave the room, resigned to the fact that she'd have to face the Malfoy's alone.

Suddenly, a knock came at the window.

Celeste spun around, a faint smile tracing her lips.


There he was, dressed in slacks and a light blue collared shirt and an oh-so-familiar grin.

"M'Lady." He smiled at her, offering his arm.

She took it, smiling like a maniac. "Good sir."

With Remus Lupin by her side, she could take on a day with her relatives, hell, she could've fought a war as long as he was there with her.

Even face her Aunt Imelda.

Merlin, that woman freaked Celeste out.

As the two walked down the stairs together, smiles on their faces, they seemed to grab all the attention in the room. And not in a good way.

Most of the Malfoy's relatives hadn't spoken to Celeste in five years, ever since she'd been sorted. She had become the outcast of the family, the one they pretended didn't exist, for it would completely soil the Malfoy name to have one in Gryffindor.

But they couldn't ignore her today. Not when she was ascending the stairs, looking completely different than the scared little girl they knew years ago. The young woman before them was not about to take any more of their shit, and wouldn't hesitate to fight anyone who dared say a word against the house where she had found her real family.

Remus noticed all the eyes that were on them, and he knew that Celeste noticed them too, but she didn't need a reminder that they were there, so he led her towards the courtyard where the ceremony was being held, pulling her away from the whispering crowds.

"Sorry about that. They all haven't seen me since I was eleven. Truthfully, I think they all thought I would be the same, but I'm not afraid of them anymore. They can talk as much as they like. I'm here for Cissy and Lucius. You being here doesn't hurt though." Celseste winked and playfully nudged him.

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