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"Hey, that's not fair! Stop cheating." Valentina squealed.

Guille laughed at Valentina's dramatics. "I'm not cheating. Just because you're weak doesn't mean I'm cheating."

Juliana smiled to herself as she watched the siblings play thumb wars in the back seat. She was driving them to a family dinner across town. Guille had questioned Valentina's age when she suggested they play the game, but he was easily persuaded to engage in the childish activity. They hadn't stopped bickering and laughing ever since they started. Understandably, Valentina had elected to sit in the back this evening with her brother instead of her usual place beside Juliana.

The past few days had gone along quite smoothly for Juliana. Her guilt about Valentina and her meddling with Lucho dissipated once Valentina reassured her the intrusion was a welcomed one. She had enjoyed their afternoon in the park immensely. Valentina gushed over Juliana's artworks, all while Juliana deflected each compliment sent her way. They talked and laughed, shared stories and dreams, their hands somehow always gravitating towards one another. A brush of hair across a shoulder, a playful poke of an arm, a gentle grasp of a knee, a warm palm against another. It felt so normal to be so physically close to Valentina.

Juliana let herself indulge in the presence of the blue-eyed girl. She allowed herself to feel the increase in heart rate, the hitch of breath, the tingle of skin, the feelings bubbling away under the surface. Her growing attachment to Valentina continued to surprise Juliana, but instead of shying away from it, she let it happen. She embraced the small smiles, the flirty jokes, the sneaky side glances. She let that fire in her belly settle into her bones, let it spread through her body, unsure where it may lead her, but willing to let it burn.

Her days at work continued to include Valentina dominating her services as she drove the girl all around the city. Juliana was beginning to think Valentina was making up places she had to go to just so she could spend time with Juliana. She wasn't about to question it, happy to spend her days wrapped up in the affection and excitement Valentina so easily provided.

"Why aren't you going with Renata? Is everything okay?" Valentina's probing pulled Juliana out of her own mind.

Guille smiled widely at Valentina. "Look at my little sister, concerned for me." He replied, playfully poking Valentina's shoulder. "Everything is fine. She just had to work late and couldn't make it."

"It's nice to see you so happy." Valentina took Guille's hand in her own.

"It's nice feeling so happy for a change." Guille said, his smile unmistakable. He took in a deep breath and leaned back in his seat. "And what about you, hermanita? I've noticed you've been different ever since you ended the whole Lucho thing."

Juliana had to really focus hard on keeping her eyes on the road and not looking in the rear-view mirror to catch Valentina's eyes.

Valentina let out a nervous giggle. "I'm just glad to be rid of him."

"I can't believe it took you so long. He was such a dick."

"And it's taken you until I've ended it with him for you to tell me that?" Valentina scoffed.

"It wasn't my relationship, who was I to judge?"

He clearly didn't know the details about why the relationship ended. Juliana shifted uncomfortably in her seat and she could sense the unease from Valentina without even looking at her.

"But tell me, what's got you so chirpy lately?" Guille was trying to placate Valentina, attempting to change the subject.

"I don't know what you mean." Juliana could hear the smile in Valentina's voice. She bit her lip to suppress her own.

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