~chapter six~

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BAKUGO DIDN'T know exactly what he was doing. He slowed his steps so he could hear the girl's tiny steps until they were nothing but silence. When he reached the elevator to his floor, he took a deep sigh and let his thoughts run wild.

I wonder where she went. It is obvious her home is close to the kitchen, otherwise, she would go to a different place to escape every night. If only I could just-

Bakugo's thoughts were interrupted as the elevator dinged signaling that he had reached the fourth floor. He stepped out and headed towards his dorm. The lids of his eyes began getting heavy the closer he reached his door. It was then that Bakugo realized how much sleep he had been losing in exchange for seeing the borrower. He noted that he would need to get more sleep before eventually passing out during training or worse, class. Bakugo entered his room and flopped down on his bed. As soon as he hit the pillow, he was fast asleep.


Kaiyo was breathing heavily. Her face was still stained with tears. She couldn't calm her racing heart as she ran into her home. A human bean had just saved her from another bean. Let alone a bean she had already encountered had saved her and had even given her bag into her possession. The other sack that she was given had confused her beyond belief. The sack had such an enticing smell that Kaiyo could not resist opening it up. Her mouth hung agape. Inside was various different pieces of food: bread, cheese, cracker crumbles, etc. Kaiyo felt like crying. Without her bag, she hadn't been able to gather as much food that she needed which made her starved. Unable to control her hunger, Kaiyo dived into the bag and chowed down. She ate until her stomach was full and she still had plenty of food left. She thought back to the bean who she now learned the name Bakugo. He had saved her but then left her be once more. Was he trying to manipulate her? He couldn't have as he had let her go twice already. If he really wanted to hurt her, wouldn't he have done it already? The courage began to build in Kaiyo's chest. She wanted to thank the bean but was unsure if she would be able to catch him at the right moment. Knowing that the students stayed in their personal dorms and that she knew his name, she was determined to go to his dorm and thank him herself.

Kaiyo ran to her bag and began packing. She knew that the students still had a few days until they returned to their classes and she hoped that Bakugo would still be sleeping or at least just waking up. A tired bean is easier to escape from than an alert one. The only difficult task was to make it to his dorm on the correct floor that he resided in. She couldn't risk taking up the entire night searching for his room and end up on the wrong floor by morning.

She stepped out of her home with her bag slung across her shoulders. She knew the students used a transport device they called an "elevator" to travel between floors. The building had stairs too but Kaiyo knew that the only way she would be able to reach the right floor in time would be to use the elevator. She raced across the floor to the giant metal trap and paused. How would she press the buttons? Let alone call the elevator? Kaiyo groaned quietly in annoyance at her own stupidity. She then began to feel a rumble beneath her feet and it was then that an idea popped in her head. As dangerous as her plan was, her priority remained the same.

Kaiyo attempted to hide as best as she could from one of the students who appeared too tired for their own good. His red hair was a bundled mess and it looked as though he could barely keep his eyes open. Perfect. I'll be able to sneak in without a problem. He'll be falling asleep in the elevator. Her feet slowly departed from her former hiding place and she followed the bean closely behind him. She dared not stand in front of him in case he was awake just enough to comprehend his surroundings. Peeking at the buttons on the elevator, she noticed how the muscular boy hit floor four. She was hoping and praying that that was the floor Bakugo resided on. Little did she know how lucky she actually was.

The elevator dinged and Kaiyo hurriedly sped behind the boy as his long strides left the elevator. Her speed was no match as she was quickly left behind. Taking in deep breaths to calm her racing heart, Kaiyo began her search for the correct dorm room. As she turned the corner, she noticed how the red-haired bean just entered his room. Kaiyo walked in that direction and began looking at the name tags on the walls. Thankfully enough, Bakugo's dorm was the first one she stumbled upon on her left. Each of the doors held a gap beneath them that was just big enough for Kaiyo to crawl underneath. Her heart was racing at this point. The room was near pitch black but she was able to make out all the shapes of the furniture and the seemingly large figure sprawled out on the bed. She swallowed thickly as it seemed her mouth went dry. When she wasn't crying or panicking out of terror, the being was much larger than it seemed. His foot, which was just laying off the side of the bed, was larger than any mouse Kaiyo had seen in her lifetime.

As much as she didn't want to admit it, Kaiyo was dreading the moment he woke up. Seeing Bakugo on her own terms was one thing, but actually talking to him was on a whole other level. Kaiyo had climbed the side of the bed with as much strength as she could muster and made it to the top of the bed. She was positioned so Bakugo's head was facing her direction, but his chest and limbs lay across the vast mattress. She studied his face. It was a drastic contrast from the stoic expression he gave after releasing her from the possible eternal torment by Mineta. He looked so relaxed and if it wasn't for the slow rise and fall of his chest, Kaiyo would think the boy was dead. Bakugo took a deep breath and the warm air from his exhale surrounded Kaiyo like a spring breeze. Not that she minded, for she enjoyed the warmth. She was becoming entranced with the boy. Kaiyo wished to see his eyes. The red beads that were unique to him, for all she knew. She continued to stare at his closed lids and the rest of his face until she noticed slight shifts in his movement. Kaiyo's heart began to race as the moment came that she dreaded but knew was inevitable.

The lids that were once the gates to the red eyes of the bean slowly opened.



hello! author here! Did not realize that this story would take off the way it did! I am so glad that many of you enjoy this story so far! I plan to try and release at least one chapter a week. Keep on reading!

see you next time!


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