I Am the Apocalypse

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"You look like shit."

Elyse was greeted with those words the moment she walked into the doctor's lounge. The woman only rolled her eyes, sparing the other two doctors in the room a brief glance as she headed towards her cubby. 

"And you're just a bed of roses, right, Choi?" Elyse scoffed at her fellow resident as she put in the code for the safe above her cubby. As soon as it was open she slipped her phone and wallet inside before then transferring the ring from her right ring finger to the thin chain around her neck, tucking it into her shirt.

"He's not wrong," one of the other doctors, Natalie, commented from where she was sitting beside her own cubby. The woman glanced up from where she was tying her shoes to eye her friend and colleague. Bags were evident underneath the Jude woman's eyes, despite her attempt at hiding them with concealer. Though it wasn't uncommon for any of them to come to work looking a little haggard, Elyse in-particular, that didn't stop any of them from teasing one another. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"A bit," Elyse gave a small shrug of her shoulders. It was the same answer she gave them whenever they asked. She couldn't remember the last time she had gotten a peaceful night of rest.

"Today might be the day you wanna break your 'no coffee' rule," Ethan suggested as he took a sip of his own drink. "Heard we've got fresh meat hanging around the ED today."

"Fresh meat?" Elyse's brows furrowed slightly at the news. "The new crop's not supposed to come in for a few more months."

"That's the fourth year med students and fellows. Apparently this guy's a transfer from New York," Ethan clued them in on what he'd heard. "Some hot shot plastic surgeon."

"Since when do we take mid-year transfers?" Natalie questioned, unable to remember the last time something like that had happened at Med. 

"Well, word is that the guy's brother knew Goodwin and was able to help pull some strings to get him a spot." Ethan shrugged, unsure of the finer details himself. "The guy's already late for his first day."

"So we've got some spoiled brat," Elyse scoffed.

"Says the woman who got special permission from the board to literally press pause on her residency for almost three years." Natalie rolled her eyes as she gave the other woman a playful nudge in the side. 

"Hey, they needed more medics. Preferably ones that knew Arabic and Dari," Elyse defended herself as the trio slipped out of the lounge and into the heart of the emergency department. 

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