Moving On From Harry and Moving Out Of Home

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I just thought we could do it, make it through all of those relationship problems, make it through all of those hurdles, that needed to be crossed to become a proper couple, and trust me I almost though we made it. And just like that all those whims, wishes and goals just don't seem good enough. They seem girly, stupid and ludicrous even.

"Are you okay?" Perrie asks me as I wipe the remnants of the makeup of my face, trying to make myself presentable to the world outside.

"I guess," I murmur to my horrid reflection more than I do to her.  "It's okay to not be fine sometimes," She says as she rubs down my back, trying to calm my jangling nerves.

"This is not the most important thing right now," I say, taking a staggering long breath, trying to compose myself," How long did Louis say he was going to take?" I ask, shifting, deviating the topic onto someone else, which was much needed may I add.

"He said he would be here in ten minutes." She says after a pause,  after looking at me, and wondering if I was fine and if I actually am asking that question or just bluffing.

"Okay, let's go out, Jas will be coming out any minute, don't want to miss the big entrance." I say, mustering a weak smile.

"Alia," She starts but when she realises I was not going to listen to her rebuttal about Harry, follows me.

All I was thinking right now was how I am not feeling as accountable about hiding Jas' secret anymore.


"I don't." A simple reply triggers a blur of confusion to ripple through the small church. I see Louis on the side of the room, he was trying to hide his smile, trying to stop fidgeting. He looked handsome, and he was waiting for his chance to talk in front of the crowd. I wanted something like that, a relationship where the person actually liked me back.

I see Nick turn in confusion towards Jas, who, by the way looked like she was about to faint and if she did guess who would have to face all of the torment?

My mom and dad were glaring at their eldest kid, trying to make sense of what she had just said. I see Harry turn rigid as she says those words and Maya turns her head slightly to look at him, but he observably doesn't even move.

"I was forced to marry Nick, he knows this, we didn't even know each other, but my dad wanted us to do this, for business reasons. I had no hand this," She says, as she wipes tears from her eyes, trying to find the next words," I liked Nick, just not enough to marry him, but I did love someone else, Louis, and if you are out there Louis, I broke up with you because my mother told me if I didn't then she would have the principal expel you from college and I knew how much college meant to you, I couldn't do that so I followed her directions. I don't want to marry you Nick, I have never wanted to. And the only people who have supported me through this,"  I pray in my head that she doesn't say that her siblings supported her," are my siblings."

Harry's head whips towards me, his expression cold, distant. Both of us have had our fair share of mistakes today, and I am thinking he is angry at me as well.

He looks at me and then with anger burning in his eyes but he faces Jas again.


I run after him, the church had emptied long ago leaving both the families to have their talk. They were all in the bride's room, namely, Louis, Jas, Nick and all of our parents everyone else was scattered around the church.

Harry had just walked out of the church and I knew this was the best time to come clean.

"Harry," I yell as I see his suddenly very tall and looming figure. He stiffens and turns around, for a minute I am complimenting his look, his button down shirt with a matching suit and dress pants, he looked amazing, need I say so.

"I guess you may want to explain yourself, you don't owe me one." He spits out harshly.

"She loves Louis and was marrying your brother out of force, it would be inhumane to not interfere. And your brother wasn't doing a very good job being a fiancé either." I say loudly, taking a step towards him, ready to argue with him.

"Alia, you broke my brother's heart, or rather helped your sister break his heart, made her say those words out loud, in front of everyone, and for who, some random guy. You hid this from me, and you say I am a liar, a jerk, I say the same to you." He says, pulling at his hair.

"I didn't know she wanted this till three months ago, at least not all of what I said was based on a lie." I shriek louder than him.

"Everything I said to you was true," He starts but I interject him with a scoff.

"Harry, admit it, you never liked me, did you?" I ask questioningly.

"You'll never understand." He mutters.

"I'll never understand, how dare you! I am the only one who understand you Harry, and I love you, are you too blind to see, maybe if you stopped kissing Maya you may realize that I am the only one who understands you, and you are the only who understands me, why can't you see that?" I holler the sweetest words I have ever said to anyone. He seems shocked, frustrated, confused and then his features soften.

"I need to tell you the truth, I want out before I fall to deep. Just stop calling, texting, and maybe you may forget me because I can't do this, Alia, please un-" He doesn't get to complete his sentence, before Ar's fist contacts with his jaw. I jump back and I bump into Will, he holds me by my shoulders as I see Harry stumble behind, holding his jaw in pain and wincing.

"It's not her fault that Jas dragged her into all of this. Don't you dare blame this her, and you don't deserve her anyways." He bellows and turns on his heels holding me by my elbow and leading me inside, I can't help but look behind, seeing him for probably the last time, and the way he looks at me, makes me want to just hug him and never ever let him go.


"You're all an utter disgrace!" Mother screams at us while dad looks on. I feel like screaming out loud that I don't care if I am a disgrace to her.

"What?" She asks shocked, I guess I said that out loud.

"She said she doesn't care, and it's very true." Jas backs me up. Louis and Perrie are waiting outside while all five of us are standing in a line with our parents seated on a sofa. Harry and his family left.

"I want to move out." Arjun says confidently, and Zayn nods.

"I am done with you guys, and I am willing to move out right now." I muster every inch of courage and say.

"You don't have enough money to survive a night out there." She screams back.

"Each of us have a job, a large bank account with our own money and I guess we can find a place to live easily." Zayn shrugs

"Then move out tonight, and I don't want to see you'll ever in my house." This was our mother, a heartless mother, who never wanted to see us again.

We are the outcasts, at least we are the outcasts together.


Ah, green eyes, 

otra tour,

zayn rocking a new hairstyle like a boss

harry and nadine leopold

too much to handle for someone who should be studying for bio and history for exams.

Please vote-comment= vomment!
Joke time:

A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says," Hey."

He replies," You read my mind."


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