Chapter 2

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                       The officer had left but the guy who made the licenses had arrived. He stepped out of the car. "Okay you have to meet the requirements." He said before anyone got to speak.

                      "What are the requirements?" StarvingMan asked. "Well are you 18 or older?" The man asked. Starving man paused. "Yes." He said.

                        "Do you have any criminal background?" The guy asked. "Ummm." StarvingMan said while looking around at the dead bodies. "Nope. Well I'm in a perfectly legal mafia that I'm probably gonna leave soon." StarvingMan replied.                

                          "That works." He said. "Coolio." StarvingMan replied. "Are you a resident of the U.S.?" The gun license person asked. "No." StarvingMan replied. "Okay just checking." The license guy replied.

                            "Are you known to be irresponsible or have every been to the state of Florida?" The guy asked. "Nope." StarvingMan said. "Good." He replied.

                           The license guy pulled out a pink license and signed his name on it and handed it to StarvingMan. Suddenly mockingbirdsdontsing appeared holding guns. "Can I get my license to?" She asked. "Sure." The license guy replied.

                            Mocking was handing out guns to everyone and looking at StarvingMan's new license. Starving man turned to the license guy.

                            "You will never be able to take away my license." He said. "Yeah you'll probably shoot me if I try." The license guy replied. "Make it a law that you can't take it away." StarvingMan said.

                             "Okay." He replied and wrote down something in a notepad. "There it's a law now." He said.

                            "Gun license guy can I get a license to, I'm done being a criminal." Mockingbirdsdontsing said. 

                             Before the gun license guy could reply someone else spoke up. "Now that I have a gun I'd like to reveal that I'm not older then 18." StarvingMan said smiling.

                              "OH SHIT." The gun license guy yelled. Mockingbirdsdontsing started laughing. "THE FUCKING LOOPHOLE WORKED." StarvingMan yelled.

                               The gun license guys ran over to Mockingbirdsdontsing. "Okay I'm giving you your license so you can shoot him!" He said. "AYEEEE." She replied. 

                             StarvingMan was shooting random stuff around them. "Are you 18 or older!?" The gun license guy quickly said. "Uhm sure, ya." Mockingbirdsdontsing replied.

                           "Criminal background?" He asked . "No I'm a saint." She replied. "NOW I HAVE A LICENSE AND A LOOPHOLE." StarvingMan was yelling.

                          "Okay have you ever been to the state of Florida." The gun license guy asked. "I went there yesterday. JUST GIVE ME THE LICENSE." Mockingbirdsdontsing yelled. "Okay you passed with a  2/3." He replied.

                           The gun license guy pulled out a license, quickly signed it, and handed it to mockingbirdsdontsing. "NOW FUCKING SHOOT KOOKOS." He yelled.

                           "Your wish is my command." She replied and turned around and saw StarvingMan pointing a gun at her. "Ayo don't shoot my birthday is in two weeks." She said.

                             "Oh my god." Big G said finally looking up and seeing what was happening. StarvingMan pulled the trigger and shot Mockingbirdsdontsing. 

                               The gun license person ran away. "AYO." Mockingbirdsdontsing yelled. "I gotta animate this." Big G said while taking a picture. "I'm gonna get this framed." He said.

                                 "G CALL 911 OMG IM DYING OVER HERE." Mockingbirdsdontsing yelled. Big G immediately dialed 911. "I'm gonna shoot the cops and the ambulance." StarvingMan said. 

                                 "Your gonna pay for this. Your gonna pay for the health insurance or whatever." Mockingbirdsdontsing said. 

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