Chapter Seven: Help Has Arrived?

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The Sun was setting, but Samara's anxiety was only rising. She'd had the driver circle so many blocks, and covered miles. Eventually she'd had him park while she continued on foot to ask anyone who wouldn't cuss her out or ignore her if they'd seen anyone in a bright red Loo Loo Land hoodie.

So far, no one had any leads and she was getting desperate. She was ready to tear her hair out and scream when her cellphone rang. Her heart dropped, but when she heard a different ringtone then saw the caller ID and realized it wasn't Mammon calling she relaxed just a little. It was only a matter of time until he found out what was going on and then it was her head for sure that would roll. Maybe literally, considering he could torture her all he wanted and as long as he didn't use an angel's weapon she wouldn't stop existing. The prospect was unimaginably horrifying.


She answered cautiously, not exactly looking forward to hearing the voice that she did know she would on the other side considering the circumstances.

"Heyyyy Samara, how's it going?"

The original Fizzarolli's coy voice came purring through the speaker, sending a pang of pain through her. It wasn't his fault but did he and his double just have to have exactly identical voices?

"Umm hi Fizzarolli. I-it's going fine. Why are you calling me?"

"Uh-huuuuuh. I guess we must have different definitions of 'fine' then, because when things are fine you don't usually run through the streets stopping strangers to ask them about what I can only assume is my missing robot."

She gasped, clamping her hand over her mouth as terror gripped her. How could he know this quickly? Had he told Mammon? What did he want from her?

"How did you find out?"

She hissed, her tail flicking anxiously.

He chuckled.

"That confused look on your face is soooo cute!"

Annoyed by the jester demon's games, Samara snapped, jabbing her finger at the receiver.

"Hey, this is no time for games mister, where are you anyway?! How can you see me right now?"

He clicked his tongue at her.

"Awww come on Samara, it's always time for games when you're someone like me. And as for where I am..."

the call ended abruptly, and Samara was left dumbfounded, casting her eyes in every direction including up at the rooftops. She didn't have long to search before a hand clamped over her mouth and dragged her into the alley she'd been standing in front of, stifling her shrieks.

Two glowing red eyes and a wide, shark-toothed grin leered down at her, and Samara struggled with all her might against her captor, who'd thoroughly pinned her against the grimy, graffiti-covered wall with his body. Her only free appendage, her tail, was beating uselessly into his side, but it was quickly stopped by his own wrapping around it tightly. Her muffled screaming came to a stop, however, when her eyes further adjusted to the growing darkness around them, and the sweet smell of cotton candy mixed with the clinging smokiness of cigarettes filled her senses.

Of course it was him.

"Oh my God, Fizzarolli! Don't scare me like that! You're as bad as Fizz!"

She berated him after ripping his hand from her lips, wiping her mouth and glaring at him. He had loosened his grip when he saw her fright turn to recognition...and then irritation, which only amused him.

Broken Toys (A Robo Fizz Romance) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now