Chapter 12: Royal Favors (Enter Stolas)

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"Long time no see, other me."

       Fizzarolli stepped into the light. He opened his mouth to say more, but any words he'd had for Fizz died upon his lips when he saw Samara. All pretenses of dignity cast aside, he sprinted up the steps of the stage and crashed down onto his knees next to her.

"Fizz...what happened?"

Fizz stared hard at Samara's body and his bloody claws that still helplessly pressed the wadded up fabric to her seeping wound. He couldn't meet the demon's eyes.

"Loo-t-ters...they-y were tailing us bo-oth. Tried to use her as a hostage. She shot her captor, but he-he had an angel weapon. I-I-I don't even know whe-ere she got a gun!"

Fizz shook his head, bells jingling. The cheery sound stuck out in harsh contrast to the morose scenario, echoing almost mockingly in the silence.

A cloud of dust blossomed out in all directions as Fizzarolli fell back, landing unsteadily on his ass. He was visibly shaking.

"Hey, what the hell. Get over here and help me!!!" Fizz yelled at him.

Samara was still losing too much blood. He looked up to glare at the other jester but stopped himself from further reproach when he saw his face.


Horror & agony would have been gentle terms to describe the expression on Fizzarolli's face as his haunted gaze drifted down to the pistol lying near Samara's body, the very same one he'd pressed into her hands. When he spoke, his voice was wracked with grief.

"I...gave that to her. I wanted to make sure she was safe... that she could defend herself if it came down to that."

"Yeah well great fuckin' job!!"

Fizz spat. Then he gestured to Samara.

"We can't si-sit around feeling sorry for ourselves anymore-more. The bleeding isn't stopping and s-she needs a doctor, Hell maybe even more than that."

Fizzarolli pulled himself together. Robo Fizz was right. This was no time to be wallowing, not when his Samara slipped away further with every breath. "I may know someone who can help." He pulled out his cell phone and searched his contacts, cursing under his breath when his still-trembling fingers hit wrong buttons. Finally he dialed and held the receiver up to his ear. A sultry voice answered almost immediately, purring in a posh accent

"Hellooooo, is that you my succulent hunk of imp, Blitzy-dear? Did you finally get a new phone?"

"What the absolute fuck!" Fizzarolli yelped, feeling the pizza and brownies from earlier try to make a premature exit through his mouth.

The voice sounded dull and disappointed now.

"Oh...yes, Fizzarolli what do you want? Why in the seven rings are you calling little old me at such an ungodly hour?!"

"Yeah, it's me Stolas-errr-sir. Listen, I need a favor. You know how you wanted Robo Fizz to do your daughter's birthday party?"

A happy bird-like coo reached Robo Fizz's ears and both rolled their eyes in unison.

"Ahhh yes. I haven't even told my darling little Octavia yet but she is going to be so delighted! She's always adored you, you know!"

'Yeaaah I doubt that. Poor kid was always terrified of me.'

Robo Fizz thought to himself, feeling slight pity for the teenager.

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