3: Ain't That Bad

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Haluuu~! Can this chapter gain more reads and votes than the other one please? I'm losing my passion to write and I need someone to cheer me up! Hope it'll be you guys~ Read on! Do forgive me for the grammatical errors, typographical errors, and the lack of more passion to write this~



Kim Jaeun's POV

I was in the corner of my room, silently crying and whimpering. Why are you like this Jaeun! Your not yourself right now! Where did the cheerful and positive Jaeun go? Why am I suddenly cowering on this corner?! I should be brave, strong, and most importantly, confident.

Come on Jaeun! Stand up and be the cheerful girl you are! You still have school! As the word 'School' crosses my mind, I stood up. I don't want to be late and have a bad impression on the teachers on the second day of school. Afterall, it's a whole day today and we'll be meeting all the teachers.

Getting in the shower, I thought of how nice or mean my new teachers will be. I actually don't want mean teachers, since I've been good this year. It's okay for the strict ones because teachers are naturally like that. If they aren't strict, who would they be?

Ending my shower feels fresh, it's like I haven't been crying twenty-four hours straight. The bad and negative thoughts have all been washed away and have been replaced with rainbows and unicorns. That's the Jaeun I've been looking for!

I brought my backpack down with me as I combed my hair. Long hair from a far looks really gorgeous but when you'll comb it, your brush gets torn to pieces. I tell you! It's hard havin long hair up to your waist! But everybody seems to have the long hair style, so I haven't cut my hair in months.

Stepping down on the living room, the smell of chicken brought me up. Hmmm.. Smells so divine.

"Eomma!" I said as I entered the kitchen, the door slapping against my foot from the impact that I opened it. As I saw my eomma putting the chicken on the table, I sat down immediately on the chair. My eomma laughed at me as she saw me excited. Nobody exactly saw me being sad.

"You're happy today." My eomma commented as she brought out glasses, I stood up and helped her.

"Yes I am!" I said a bit too loud. My eomma almost dropped a glass but luckily, I was there to catch it. I giggled and put the glasses on the table.

"How was the first day?" She asked as I sat back down again. I frowned mentally, I don't want that to come up again.

"It was great! I got to mee Shin Ah, but she was transferred to the other classroom." I said as I smiled sadly, the events yesterday were unforgettable. But I doubt it that I'll remeber what hapened, haha!

"Well that's great! You'll be able to meet new friends once again!" My eomma said as she put orange juice in the glasses, she is one happy woman. I can tell because she cooks chicken, it's her and my most favorite dish since she cooked it.

I ate the chicken prepared on the table, and drank the orange juice. It's so yummy, but I'll be late! But! Chicken... Late... Juice... Eiseo. Dart.

"I have to go now eomma, it's seven-thirty and classes start at eight." I said as I stood up and neared her, kissing her cheek and waving goodbye. I went out the kitchen and shouted 'Bye!' for her to know that I'm out of the house. That'll always been the drill.


As I arrived at school, I could sense that my classroom upstairs is already a jungle. The boys are Tarzan and the girls are Jane. Oh such a headache...

Choosing between the stairs and the ramp, I chose the stairs. I always go by the stairs because ramp is not my style. I just want to be civilized and not slip on the slippery floor of the ramp. It's slippery by the way, be careful. So many students have been slipping on that since last year.

I reached the third floor, and I see my classroom's door open. I went in and I screamed as I was startled by Vohn's face so close to me, he was trying to shoot a paper ball on a paper basketball ring on top of the door. Ugh, why are they doing this? As I don't want to look at Vohn, I shoved him away and I sat on my chair.

I could see Vohn freeze as Jian shook his shoulder, he gave the ball to Jian. A basketball like court was infront of me now. They were playing with a paper ball and the ring that they made, supposedly. Ish, it is a jungle here. Three groups of girls were located near the walls.

Are they spiderman? A group of girls were on the left side of the room near the way and another group was on the right side of the room on the wall. A group of girls were in the middle, playing their gadgets. The weird thing here, is that I could see a boy in the gadget girls place. Weird.

Although those faces are quite familiar, I don't want to talk to them. It's not the right time as I still can't decide on which classroom I'll be staying at.

"Good Morning!" I was startled by the voice that greeted the whole classroom as... wait... is that Sir Ho Kyung? Woah, he definetly changed. Sir Ho Kyung was the adviser for the other classroom as Ms. Fei was ours last year. Ms. Fei is no longer here but I guess Sir Ho Kyung likes it here. He's our first subject?! Argh. He's quite of a corny teacher.

As expected from last year, their ninja moves still did not disappear. In one blink of an eye, everyone is seated on their seats and every gadget is kept. The paper ring was removed and the door was closed. Wow, I cannot move that fast at all.

"I am your History teacher. Some may still remember me and some don't. I am Sir Ho Kyung, please introduce yourselves one by one. My memory is a bit blurry." Sir Ho Kyung sat on the teacher's table on the side. The line started on the back, making it easier for me.


History class ended and a lot of my classmates got to know Sir Ho Kyung better, and the new students too. From what I remembered on my schedule, Science class was next. I hope the teacher is not mean, as expected from Science teachers, they are really mean so buckle up Jaeun.

The teacher creeped up and entered the classroom silently. Woah.. He's so silent but has a mean look. Humph...

"Good Morning." He's blunt too. We stood up and greeted him Good Morning then sat back down again.

"I am your new Science teacher, my name is Ro Min." He said and moved his eyebrows. Woah! That is seriously damn creepy! We did the procedure like in History Class, we introduced ourselves. It was actually quite fun in this part because Sir Ro Min had some jokes.


I guess the second day of school wasn't bad afterall.

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