Glam 9: The Old Days

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Zcar POV

I kick those guys that surround her one by one they're all knock down. I went to her and she is still crying all naked in front of me I take off my jacket to cover her up and we left the place. While in the car none of us talk until we reach our house.

I have decided to break the silence between us.

Zyria I started go upstairs and clean yourself up and go to bed already you have a hard night so you better rest. I said

But before she could go, she let a word to speak.

I'm sorry zcar I should have listened to you zyria said then burst to her tears then I went to her and hug her tight and hush her to lessen her sorrow and let go to her.

Before she could disappear in my sight, I let a whisper to her "as long as I 'm here no one can ever harm you again I swear"

After a few hours or so I check if zyria is a sleep I went back the abandoned house where I rescue her and see those fuckers woke up trying to get loose to the rope where I bind them on.

Well its good to see that all of you have waken I thought I would wait for an hour or so I said

Then get the chair near me and sat on it in front of them then smirk on them while they are still figuring on how they could loosen it.

Get us outta here 1st guy said

And why would I? I ask and I act as if I were to think why would I do such a thing.

Just please let us go 3rd guy said

Ahhh what a pitty of you to please I said

Just let us pass it through 4th guy said

And just think of it as if nothing really happens? I said

Yeah, just pretend you didn't see anything and will spare you 2nd guy said

JUST PRETEND THAT NOTHING HAPPENED? And I laugh to the thought he said

ohh boy your sure something I continue

who are you anyway? 5th guy ask

oh me! I stand to where I sit and walk near to the guy that question me and I level myself to him and said Well I'm just your pretty nightmare that will just end your life and I get my knife from my pocket and put the knife near to his face and slowly passing it through its cheek I see that he was shock and I also feel that he is scared to what I'm about to do to them. I also sight his friends scared and frighten to what move I will do.

After that I stand up and went back to my place and sit on the chair. I see that they are relief at that moment but not for long I have decided to play with then a little longer for my night to be fun.

aa—are y-you letting us go? 3rd guy ask

ummm... the only reply I give

we swear we won't do it again the 4th guy said pleading with its sweat

are you sure of that? I ask

YES! They said on tune

Nahhh I said

Why not? 1st guy ask

Yeah, why won't you? 2nd guy said

Because I don't want to that's all I reply

What do you what from us? If you want us to go to jail just put us on jail already the 5th guy said

The answer to your question is simple I want to have fun with you guys since we're already at this place where no one would hear now let's start the fun tonight! Shall we? I said and give my most devising smirk.

What kind of freaking fun do you mean this ain't funny anymore?! 4th guy said

Well I show you.

I stand up then went near to the guy that ask me lately and grab him and we place ourselves at their center.

I went near to the guy's ear and said 'this type of fun" then stab him in his heart. His friend just shouts to what their friend have suffer they are all crying and cursing me for what I have done to their poor friend and then the next thing that happen was the part that I was thrilled for.

After making sure that none of them beats any movements I stop and seat on the floor while holding the knife I use the memories I used to forget came back to the memory where it all started why I ended to this kind of state I' am right now. It was because of them they are the ones who make me like this. They are the ones that make my life miserable and I swear it to myself that I'll finish them all no matter what cost I may lead to. I just end up crying to what I remises of my past until I drop the knife, I use then suddenly laugh I know I may seem to be crazy and all but hey I'm just like the other guys out there.

I also remember my first killing that was fucking fun I have ohh those where the times that I was so weak but I need to make a move I need to and that's when I have decided for my kill they are all sleeping with satisfaction to what they have seem to be pleasure and that's when I saw a knife the same knife I used to this guys you read it right I still have I don't why did I have it or maybe I don't want to have any kind of trace that could lead me to jail for doing such a crime. But suddenly one of them had escape I thought he would already call police that's when I hid myself far away. I don't know what happen to him but if I do have a luck to ever find him, I'll make sure he will be on forever silence. I don't care if he already changes or sorry for what his gang have made "WHAT'S DONE IS DONE" already and I will surely I' am will take my real justice.

As for those innocent that I kill well they are not really innocent because they too set a crime to themselves where those victims that suffer from them, I'm the one that gives justice to them and that is their life as for their punishment. They think of me as their hero but in the eyes of the law I'm a murder.

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