Chapter 7 - Love is for children

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"Thank the gods, I've been waiting for you, pumpkin," you skip on over to Nat who held shopping bags in her hands. The cell door opens, this time not because of you. "Clothes?"

"The very best," from dresses to pantsuits to jeans to band shirts, she had bought it all.

"I haven't owned these many clothes for centuries!"

"Go ahead and try them on," You weren't shy to change in front of people... being held captive never allowed much privacy so doing this became a habit.

"This is nice," you tried on the first dress and smiled.

"Each of us bought something for you,"

You took out some rather skimpy underwear and smirk. "Thank you, Stark!" you shout to the cameras.

"Try it on for us, songbird," The intercoms called out.

"Come down here and help me put it on~" you flirt and in no time the playboy was in the room. "I was joking... but I will keep this," you toss the set along with the others as Tony scowled and stormed out.

"Anyone in your life?"

"No one has really caught my eye," each clothing piece was folded.

"Anyone in the past?"

"A few, but to hell with the past!" spinning around you stride forward. "I'm not looking for love because I've realised a long time ago, and you have to, that love is for children,"

"But you care for whoever is being held captive and as your leverage?"

"That's a different love, the love I'm talking about is romantic and lust fueled love..."

"Not all love is like that-"

"But all love ends... maybe not with heartbreak but it will inevitably end in death," a finger was dragged along your throat.

"Is this from personal experience?"

"First and second hand... I've dated my fair share of gods and goddesses, Roman, Greek, Norse, Egyptian,"

"There are other gods??" Tony calls from the coms.


"Did you say Norse?" Thor shouted into the microphone.

"Freya! One night, pretty sure she left me for Gerdr that night..." scrunching up your face you could hear the shock over the line. "Horns, darling, close your brother's mouth before he attracts the flies,"

"Don't call me horns," the god retorts.

"Anything for his majesty," you bow mockingly to the camera before looking back to Nat. "I'm not sure what you all are trying to do but it's not working, however I appreciate the gifts,"


You could tell from the footsteps who it was. "Last but not least, the brooding prince has come to gift me... handcuffs? Haven't tried it but I'm open to experimenting,"

Loki sighs in frustration as he enters the cell to clasp the restraints around your wrists. He tightens them with a petty look making you suck in a breath amusedly.

"Careful, wouldn't want to damage the product, now would we?"

"Are you always so sharp tongued?"

"Keeps for good interactions," you follow him out the hall, whistling a soft tune, cartoon-like notes zooming around to map the layout.

"What are you doing?" Loki looks at you suspiciously.

"Figuring out the layout of this place in case the building collapses and none of you remember I'm still here," the trickster scoffs at the accusation. "So where are we going?"

"To my gift or rather bargain to you,"

"Knowing that you're a classy prince, I'd assume it's either a candle lit dinner, a trip to an enchanted forest... or..."


"Or, because you're the god of mischief, I'm hoping for a surprise, so you could be leading me to my death,"

"How tempting that is," Loki hums making you smirk, Troublemaker by Olly Murs started playing making Loki jump and look around for the source before looking to you. "Will you stop doing that?"

"Nope!" You point to him each time the song said 'troublemaker' which undoubtedly made a smile play at his lips. To him you were insufferable but for some reason he didn't wish to stab you to death like the other tempted him to do.

"Here we are," Oak doors reaching to the roof made you tilt your head though the moment he opened the doors your cuffs fell with a quick whistle and your feet took you around each shelf.

"Gods, this is amazing!"

Loki sighed and took the cuffs from the ground. "I think so too, but no one else appreciates it," Loki watched as you zoomed around the shelves. "Stark has allowed you to spend the rest of your day, and if you behave you may visit more often,"

"Yes, sir," he saw you peek around the corner to salute. In no time you returned with a pile of books.

"All this for the day?"

"I haven't read a proper book in nearly a decade!" Loki caught some falling books. "Thanks," you let them fall against the wooden desk.

"A decade? Does your captor not allow literature?"

"No, they don't, at least not in my cell," Sitting on the large sofa, you were thankful for new and much more comfortable clothing. "Which clothes did you pick out?"

"That blouse actually," he points to the one you wore, a long sleeved emerald green top.

"Not such bad taste," you hum before opening the book up.



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- Anna ❤️

Music to my ears: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now