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Alanis smiled as today was the beginning of her senior year. She smiled as she got out of bed and started to get dressed. Her phone started ringing making her smile. "Hi Emmett." She said as she was getting ready.

Charlie heard her on the phone and shook his head. He was glad she met Emmett. He sees the love Emmett has for his youngest. Bella is a different story. He barely likes Edward due to her leaving the first time, but it also put a strain on Alanis's relationship with her sister.

Alanis walked out and stopped as she saw her dad. "Emmett, I'll call you later." She tells him. "I love you."

Charlie smiled at his youngest. "I know you love him."

"He's my world." She said as she walked downstairs to see presents. "Am I forgetting something?"

"Bella's birthday."

"Oh." Alanis replies as she got her some orange juice.

Charlie knew things were still rocky between the sisters. Watching Alanis leave meant she won't stay to watch Bella open presents.
Alanis was already at school, surprising Alice, Jasper, and Edward. They watched her walk in not saying a word. "She's not talking to Bella still."

"She hurt Alanis big time." Jasper replies. "Bella doesn't seem to care much."

Edward looked at Jasper as he watched him walk away. Alice smiled a little and sighed as she knew Edward saw Alanis not caring much for the party as she was dancing with Emmett. Sighing, Edward looked at Bella who smiled. "She wasn't there this morning."

"Because she is ignoring you." Edward said. "I think she has nothing to do with you for right now."

Bella couldn't believe what she had heard. Her own sister doesn't want to say nothing to her because of the mistake she has done.

Later that day, Alanis stood near her locker talking to Emmett. "How are you going to pick me up and drive my car home?" Jasper leaned against the locker beside her making her look at him. "Never mind."

"Emmett, she's been upset all day." Jasper says making Alanis glare. "I think it would make her happy to see you."

Alanis started smacking Jasper playfully as Alice stood watching the two friends. She laughed as Jasper teased Alanis making her glare. "Your an ass." She heard Emmett laughing. "Not funny."

"It's time to hand this over." Alice announced surprising Alanis and Jasper. "Bye Emmett."

Alanis heard Alex getting Emmett off the phone making her look at the two. "You two are mean." She replies. Jasper chuckled as they walked to see Bella at her locker. Alanis smirked as she walked away. "Have fun with that."
Alanis smiled as she was dancing with Emmett. "How was your day?"

"Good, but long." She replies. "I missed you the most."

Rosalie and Alex smiled as they watched Emmett and Alanis dance. When Alice dragged Bella down, Alanis didn't care, but stopped as they saw the gifts getting opened. Alanis stood near Emmett as she watched Bella.

Sometime during the gifts, Esme gave Bella an envelope. "It's tickets to go see your mother."

Alanis smiled at the mention of her mom and knew she had to call her later. She watched Bella try to open the envelope when she cut herself. "Ah. Paper cut." She said showing her finger to them.

"Idiot." She mumbled. Alanis saw Jasper going to act making her step in front of him. "Jasper, I know you feel their hunger. Fight it." She said as she touched his cheek. "You are my friend, Jasper. I know you can fight it..."

Before she could finish, Alanis was thrown into the wall causing her to black out.

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