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Alanis smiled as today was her day. After school, she will be going to the ballet studio to practice. First she had to go through staring. The one thing she wasn't looking forward to. "Alanis." Bella said making her look. "Ready?"

"Yeah." Alanis said. She followed Bella out not really looking forward to this day. Alanis played with her necklace she had since birth.

Bella noticed and smiled. "You'll be okay Alanis."

"I know."

"Hopefully you get to see that guy you met yesterday." Bella teased. Alanis blushed at the memory and her telling Bella.
At school, Emmett stood beside Alex as they talked about hunting later when an orange beat up truck came in. Inside of the truck, Alanis felt like she was about to break as she saw eyes on them. "Bella..."

"It's going to be just fine." Alanis sighed, but nodded. The two parked and heard the truck backfire. "Great!"

Across the lot, Emmett was suspicious as he saw Alanis and walked over to her with Jasper and Alice as Bella had already left so Alanis could calm down. Alanis got out just to see the three people from the other day. "Hi."

"Told you we come here." Emmett replies. "Let me show you to the office."


"I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Alice and this is my boyfriend Jasper."

"Nice to meet you two." Alanis said as they walked towards the office. "It's good to know someone here, but why are they glaring at me?"

"Cause you're new and we don't talk to anyone." Alanis nodded slowly in confusion.
Alanis smiled as she finally left her third class. Alice smiled as she stood by the door. "How was your day so far?"

"Interesting." Alanis tells her. From her first period, guys tried to ask her out or girls would make comments about how the Cullens never talked to no one and she comes and they start talking to her.

"I hope they treated you well."

"Everyone, but one and that's normal. I'm guessing Jessica has tried to talk to you guys."

"She's asked Emmett and Edward out." Alice tells her as they walked into fourth. "They both turned her down." Alanis laughed knowing that a girl can be jealous over the new kid. "She's just trying to get attention."

"Maybe she's used to being the center of attention that when we showed up, we made her feel insecure." Alanis tells Alice. "Everyone is beautiful in their own way." Alice was shock by her compassion. Alanis wasn't like the people she's met through the years. Alanis Swan is like a noble woman.

Alice noticed her fiddling with her necklace and decided to ask. "Where did you get that necklace from?"

"I don't know." Alanis tells her. "I've had it since birth according to mom and dad."
Alanis sat at an empty table as she read a book that she actually liked. She was chewing on an carrot as she read. Emmett walked in first and saw his mate and made his way towards her. Bella knew that he was the guy Alanis told her about. "Why is he sitting with the other new girl?" Jessica asked.

"Do you blame Cullen?" Mike said. "Look at her! She like a model."

"She's a ballerina." Bella replies. "She doesn't like people calling her a model as she sees people are beautiful too, but it's according to their passion." They all look at Bella. "She's my sister and I tend to love her and I will stick up for her to."

At Alanis's table, Emmett sat beside her reading and cracking jokes about what he just read making Alanis laugh. "Emmett!" She squealed our as he started poking her side as Alice and Jasper sat with them.

"Emmett, leave her alone."

"It's fine Alice, I don't mind as long as he can be himself." Alanis said making Emmett smile and kiss her cheek.

"Where have you been all my life?" Emmett asked. "Cause no one has ever said that to me."

"If you can't be who you are than how are you going to love yourself." Alanis tells him. "In order to love yourself is to be yourself not someone your not."

"Wow." Alice and Jasper said as the bell rang.
At the end of the day, the words of Alanis Swan was still going through the Cullens head. Alice smiled as she actually understood what she meant as Jasper knew that he needs to stop suffering and prove to himself that he is strong. Rosalie and Alex stood there watching the two. "She's human."

"She's Emmett's mate Rosalie." Alice said. "And she's my best friend."

"Emmett's happy with her." Jasper pointed out. "He can be himself around her. We're trying to make him something he's not and I'm sorry to say it Rosalie, but Alanis is a compassionate person and she will encourage Emmett to be himself around her."

Alex was shocked. "It's like she was born a noble woman." He said. "I guess I can give her a chance since Alanis sounds nice." Rosalie looked at him shock. "I don't judge till I get to know them."

"Fine." Rosalie tells them. "I'm not risking it like you all are." Rosalie gets in her car ready to go making the others sigh and follow.
Alanis smiled as she was at the studio. She walked in and got dressed. Alanis turned on the classical music and started dancing to it. She never noticed Emmett who was in a daze as he watched his mate dance. Alanis felt at home as she danced to the classical music. Emmett watched surprised that she was good.

The room was filled with music as she danced not knowing about her audience as she was in her own world.

The room was filled with music as she danced not knowing about her audience as she was in her own world

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