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Alanis smiled as her and Emmett arrived at the field to play ball. She was excited to see what they meant this game is different from others. She heard a vehicle and turned to see Edward in the driver seat and Bella in the passenger. "Is it safe for her to be here?" She asked knowing all about the nomads.

"Alice saw them going in a different direction."

Alanis nodded. Rosalie hugged the girl before taking her spot to play. Alanis sat a little ways as she grabbed the spell book and started to read. She knew it was spells, but she wanted the ones that sound interesting to her.

Bella smiled at her sister. Alanis looked up to see Emmett climbing a tree. "Someone is being a little cocky."

Alex laughed at what she said as Emmett just smirked. Alanis shook her head and went back to the book.

Not long into the game, Alanis looked up towards the woods. She felt like something was coming. "Stop!"

Alanis looked at Emmett, who went straight for her. She stood up once he was near. She heard fussing and saw Edward and Bella. "They heard us playing."

All eyes went to Alanis. Emmett nodded making his mate nod. She picked up the book and continued to read it as she was going to act normal. Bella watched her sister when the three nomads came. Emmett sat down beside her making her look at him. "What spell is interesting to you?"

"I like this one." She said pointing at the binding spell. "I can bind myself with someone that I don't like or to try to protect them. It's like having control of someone."


"A witch?" She heard making Alanis look up and see the three nomads.

"Is there a problem?" She asked calmly.

They shook their heads as they went to play. Alanis looked to see Edward and Bella leaving. She looked up at the trees to the tops of them swaying. Her eyes widened as she saw the window blow giving off her scent. "You brought a snack."

Emmett quickly grabbed his mate as everyone else surrounded around Bella. Alanis glared at the nomads as she mumbled a spell causing fire to appear in front of them. "What?" Laurent said as all eyes went to Alanis. "I guess the game is over."

Alanis stopped chanting and hugged Emmett. Bella smiled at her sister. "Let's get you home." Emmett tells her as they left.
Alanis was waiting for Edward and Bella to reach the Cullen house. "Why didn't he smell me?"

"Because your not fully human." Carlisle explains.

Alanis nodded and hugged up to Emmett. Carlisle nodded for Emmett so take her downstairs. Alanis followed as she didn't know what her place is in this situation right now, but she hopes that she is able to protect her sister. "What will I do?"

"Nothing." Emmett tells her. "I won't let you get hurt because of the mistake Edward made."

"It wasn't his fault. How was he supposed to know that nomads will show." Alanis said. "This is no one's fault. We just have to keep my sister safe and hope and pray she doesn't do nothing stupid."

"Your staying here with dad." Bella said making Alanis look at her.


"Because I refuse to let you get hurt." Bella said. "This is my battle not yours."


"Emmett take her home and make sure she is safe." Bella said.

Alanis shook her head and walked away from everyone. Emmett looked at Edward and Bella shaking his head. "She is stronger than you, Bella and you just refused your sister's help. You might as well ruin everything since you don't want the help."

No one said a word as Emmett went after his mate. Rosalie shook her head and sighed. "Congratulations. Now they're both upset because you refused one's help. Meaning the strongest of us refuses to help now."

Bella looked at Edward not liking what she just heard. Emmett won't help if Alanis can't. "Edward try to talk him into helping."

"I can't." Edward tells her. "We'll just have to do this on our own. Emmett made up his mind."
Alanis and Emmett sat in his room in one another's arms. Alanis was hurt that she couldn't help, but Emmett refused as he didn't want to leave her side. "Is that all I am is just a little sister who is defenseless?"

"To Bella, yes, but to me, no." Emmett tells her. "You are strong and I don't see you as weak. I see you as a strong person and very powerful witch."

Alanis smiled as she hugged him. "Thank you." She said.

"Get some rest and let's not think about them." Emmett tells her as Alanis dozed off.

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