Chapter 12

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Both heads twisted towards the door as it slammed open with force, the loud sound vibrating and echoing down the outer hallways possibly waking up the other patients in the hospital.

Standing at the door was a tall male nurse with black hair parted in the middle and sharp silver eyes. He was good looking that's for sure, but Kuroko has never seen this man before.


"Yo! Shin-chan, how ya doin?" Said man greeted cheerfully, waltzing into the room like nothing happened.

The other nurses outside watched in horror through the gaping door as Takao casually slung his arm over the fuming doctor.

"Hmm?? What's with the tense atmosphere in here? Its a beautiful day!" Takao beamed and slapped Midorima's back several times.

The green haired doctor had his head down while clenching his fists. Kuroko swore he saw fumes coming out of his ears as he tried to contain his overwhelming irritation.


"Oh? And who's this? I've heard rumours about you! You're the one Shin-chan has been taking care of right? Maaan you're lucky for sure! Shin-chan has patients lining out the door everyday and yet you get way more attention from him than all of them combined!" Takao laughed heartily.

Who was this person? What did he even mean by that? Kuroko was at a loss with what to say so he just stayed silent and starred at the duo.

"Don't go spouting nonsense Takao. But first of all why are you even here?!" Midorima raised his voice and gripped Takao's arm. "Aren't you a nurse? What are you thinking making all this fuss in the morning?! This is a hospital!"

"Woah woah, calm down Shin-chan. Your blood pressure is over the roof." He replied calmly and smirked.

Takao does work in the same hospital as Midorima but he is stationed in a different department at a seperate building from the one they are in. So his appearance was pretty much unprecedented.

" I've been hearing these rumours that there's this mysterious patient that got admitted yesterday and the great surgeon Midorima Shintaro decided to pass all his appointments to the other doctors simply to watch over this patient! What a scandal don't you think?"

"Rumours?" Midorima hissed darkly and glared at the door where the nurses were still watching on at the bizzarre scene unfolding before them. The nurses jolted and hustled to go back to what they were doing.

Takao grinned in satisfaction and turned his attention to the confused boy sitting on the bed.

"Nice to meet ya, Im Takao Kazunari. You must be Kuroko Tetsuya, no?"

Kuroko didn't realize it at first but it dawned on him how quickly this man noticed him despite his lack of presence. Regular people usually wouldn't even realize he was around until he spoke up.

"Yeah." Kuroko nodded and shook the hand that was held out to him.

"So? What was going on before I came in? Was Shin-chan about to confess?" Takao asked smugly while looking at the boiling tomato head.

"You-!" Midorima was about to take a swing at him before another figure stood at the door.

Nagisa stepped into the room, giving the two hospital staff an incredulous look before deciding to ignore them and go straight to Kuroko.

"Kuroko-sensei! You're awake, are you feeling alright?" Nagisa asked worriedly as he started to look for any negative signs.

Kuroko immediately felt relieved the moment he saw Nagisa. Midorima's presence, plus the bickering in front of him was starting to make him feel all woozy.

"Yeah, Im fine. Nagisa-sensei, I'd like to soon as possible. I... don't feel comfortable in the hospital..." he explained sheepishly.

At this, Midorima quickly stepped in. "No, Kuroko should stay here a bit longer so we could monitor his condition." Midorima stated confidently.

He was lying.

Physically, there was nothing wrong with Kuroko. Just fatigue. And normally the patient only needed a couple hours of rest and they could be discharged. However, he went through all the effort to keep Kuroko in the hospital overnight even with his tight schedule. He really did make a scene out of this, huh. No wonder words were going around.

He knew what he did is wrong on so many levels and violated many basic principles and codes but he felt like it needed to be done. If he lets Kuroko go now, it would make it seem like a repeat of many years ago. He won't let it slip between his fingers this time. Not again.

Nagisa however seemed to catch onto this and stepped up. He knew since the moment he saw this man that there was something fishy about him and Nagisa didn't like it
Their height difference was evident, since Nagisa was a whole lot shorter than the doctor, he was forced to look up at him.

"Sorry, but I'd like to take my friend home. He can rest there. I'll make sure he gets well in no time." Nagisa announced with determination, his glaring blue eyes piercing right through the doctor towering before him.

Midorima, not wanting to lose the battle just yet, stood his ground. "I'm his doctor, and I said-"

"Patients have a right to leave Shin-chan." A voice behind him said in a solemn manner. "Even against a doctor's advice. You know that."

Just like that, the doctor gritted his teeth and sent a quiet glare at Takao who looked at him unimposingly with arms crossed over his chest.

Midorima gave one last look at Kuroko before striding out the room. Once again, he let him go.


Lmao what did I just write. I'm just going with the flow tbh. Sorry for late update! But it's here. Suddenly felt an urge to write and I finished this 900 word chapter in 30 mins! I don't think i've ever typed so vigorously in my life.

I know it's late but Happy New Year 2021 to all of you! Wishing this year to be better than the last. Have a good day and stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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