Chapter 11

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Big blue eyes slowly blinked open as Kuroko started waking up. Groaning, he sat up and looked around the spacious room he was in. "Where..."

As memories from the day before started filling in, Kuroko stood up from the bed and glanced at the IV drip attached to his arm. Realizing he was at the hospital for passing out, he fiddled with the drip and eventually detached it from the tube on his hand.

Kuroko didnt like hospitals. Especially when he's there alone. So his first instinct was to get out of there, regardless of  what the situation is. After all, he felt better to walk around compared to when he was at the school yesterday.

Its not like the hospital will turn upside down if he were to go out for a walk, right?

Slowly making his way to the door, he peeked out of the room and saw an empty hallway filled with benches and seats, along with several numbered doors along the halls. Stepping out, he walked past the reception where 2 nurses are busy looking through documents, unaware of his presence.

It was still rather early in the morning so the place was eerily quiet. Other than the hospital staffs and janitors no other visitor was seen. Kuroko simply walked around the hospital without a destination in mind until a thought struck him.

What about work? He didn't call the school, everyone else must be looking for him. Regardless of if Kuroko was sick or not, work is still a priority, as an adult he should at least have the responsibility to notify his workplace beforehand.

Kuroko doesnt memorize tbe school's number, or Nagisa's. Plus, his belongings must've been left at the school yesterday after he fainted because he didnt see anything in the hospital room that might've looked like his.

"I could just take a cab..." Thought Kuroko to himself, but that would mean sneaking out of the hospital because he was still unsure if the doctors would discharge him yet.

Suddenly, a voice cut in through Kuroko's thoughts and the quiet hallways. "What are you doing here?" The voice was stern yet the person sounded concerned.

Looking towards the voice, blue eyes meets green ones. The man doned a white button up longed sleeved shirt, black pants and shoes, along wifh a white laboratory coat. Both men remained silent as Kuroko tried to find the words to speak. "You shouldn't be out of bed, your body is still weak. Who took your drip off?" The doctor said strictly, examining his old teammate, obviously irritated as to why the nurses didn't pay close enough attention to a patient.

"Midorima-kun, why..." Before Kuroko could finish his sentence, Midorima started ushering the latter back to the direction he came from. "We're going back."

Snapping back to his senses, Kuroko stopped in their tracks and turned to look at Midorima. "I need to inform the kindergarten and I feel better, now." Kuroko said confidently.

Midorima sighed, "Your friend has already done the necessities, you don't have to worry about that." Pushing up his glasses, Midorima continued, "And as the doctor in charge of you, I advise that you rest for now."

Kuroko didn't want to argue, especially with someone like Midorima. As a doctor here, Kuroko can't let his personal feelings get the best of him now either, as now they are simply doctor and patient.

As a new wave of dizziness hits Kuroko, Midorima quickly caught hold of the smaller boy. "Argh..." Slowly steadying the latter up, Midorima placed his hand on Kuroko's waist and ushered him back to the room.

Upon arriving at the room, the nurses were already panicking, as the patient that Midorima-sensei especially warned them to keep an eye on was gone. "Ah... We're so dead, what do we do now?!" One of the nurses exclaimed frustratingly.

"I was at the counter all day! I didnt see anyone come out!" Answered another.

Suddenly the said doctor appeared, carrying the patient that all the nurses were looking for. All promptly kept their mouths shut and held their breaths, relieved to see that the patient was safe, but frightened at what the doctor will do to them.

After all, his father owns this hospital branch and is possibly the next in line for the position. Not only is he a respectable doctor, but he is a potential owner. At this point they were all praying that they wouldnt get fired.

Striding to the hsopital room that belonged to Kuroko, he slowly helped Kuroko into the room, sending a last glare to all the nurses before the door shut causing all of them to exhale tensely.

In the room, Midorima re-attached the drip to the tube on Kuroko's arm, as the latter sat back down on the bed. "The staff outside looked like they were scared out of tbeir minds." Kuroko stated as a matter of fact.

"They're incompetent as it is, I should have them sent back to medical school..." The other mumbled as he fixed the setting on the equipement.

Kuroko said nothing as he looked down the floor. Midorima stepped in front of the blue head and inhaled sharply, "Listen, Kuroko-"

He was abruptly cut off when the door swung open and another staff came in with a tray of food in his hands, totally unaware of the warning signs coming from the nurses outside.

"Good morning! Here's your breakfast." He greeted cheerfully and sat the tray of steaming hot food down on the table at the foot of the bed. Kuroko gave him a small smile and nodded as a thanks while Midorima glared and a menacing aura started radiating off of him.

The staff flinched after seeing Midorima and hurriedly made his way out. "Enjoy the food!" Before closing the door behind him.

The green haired doctor sighed for the nth time today and turned back to Kuroko. "As I was saying, Kuroko, I-"

Once again he was cut off by a shrill, ear wrenching scream which caused both males to flinch in surprise. "Now what?!" Said Midorima infuriated after being cut off for the second time.

Then the door slammed open to reveal another familiar face.


Author's Note

Hi! Hope you like this chapter. Have been really busy lately, which is the reason for the late update. Please comment what you think, as feedback is very much appreciated.

Again, take care of yourselves during this period of time. Hope everyone is well and healthy. :)

See you next time!

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