Chapter 7

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Kise had just finished his photoshoot today, yes, even though he is currently a pilot, he would sometimes go modeling once in awhile. He still has his handsome look of his, beautiful blonde hair and a charming smile which can captivate everyone's attention.

However, these past years, he hasnt smiled to anyone willingly at all. He is not as cheerful as he was anymore either. Who would've thought that the absence of a single person could turn him like this.

The blonde walked out the building hands in pocket and eyes cast down. Suddenly a high pitched voice could be heard.

"Kise-san!" Said person looked up to see a few fangirls heading towards him.

However, Kise didn't budge, he just stayed where he was glancing at them. One of them had brown hair and the other had black hair. They were both quite cute.

"Ano... Kise-san, we are your fans! My name is Asako and she is Yui!" The girl with brown hair introduces herself and her friend. Kise just slightly nodded, smiling a bit but he was not the slightest interested.

"Um, Kise-san, if you have time, would you like to come have lunch with us?" Yui asks with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Sorry, as much as I'd like to accept, I already have someone I like, so no thanks." Kise tells them nicely giving them a wider smile he walks away leaving those two girls dumbfounded.

He could still remember, the day he abandoned the blue head.


Kise was walking down the hallway, heading towards the entrance of the school. He stayed back late so he could clean up the class since he was on duty today.

Once he was out, he remembered something he left in the gym. "Ahh, I forgot my water bottle in the gym, I hope its not locked yet...." He mutters to himself as he walks back to the gym.

From afar, he could hear the sound of drbbling and ball falling into the net and sometimes bouncing off the hoop.

He walks by the slightly opened gym doors to see Kuroko practicing alone.

'Kurokocchi?' Kise thoughts to himself as he walks in grabbing the attention of the bluennette.

Kuroko stopped dribbling and looked at the blonde with a slight exitement in his eyes. "Kise-kun, are you here to practice?"

Kise starres at him for awhile before shaking his head. "Not really, I just left something here" He says gesturing to the water bottle siiting nearby one of the benches.

"O-oh...I see..." Kuroko felt as if his spirits was up for nothing.

"I dont think you should waste your time to practice Kurokocchi." Kise says as he picked up his bottle.

"E-eh?" Kuroko was dumbfounded. What did he just say?

"I mean all you have to do is pass the ball to me right? Thats a simple thing to do isnt it? That way we can win more easily!" Kise states happily.

Kuroko wanted to retaliate however he didnt. "Y-yeah... I guess..." He murmers.

"See you tomorrow Kurokocchi!" The gym door closes leavibg Kuroko alonehis heart breaking. He gripped the basketball in his hand as a tear fell on it.


Kise smiled bitterly at the memory.

'I wonder what it would be like now if I haven't done that. '

The sound of his phone dinging signaling a text snapped him out of his thoughts. The blonde reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

On the screen showed a text from Akashi.


Hey! How long has it been? A year? Two years? Well I don't actually have an excuse for it. I just lost inspiration there. KnB ended and I was upset. Well I guess I should at least keep the fandom going here :) This was actually a really old chapter I just saved. I wasn't planning to publish this but I just wanted to tell you guys Im still alive :D

Im happy that people still read and vote for my books after 2 years of my absence. Updates may not come as frequently as It first was when I started writing but I'll do my best <3 Thank you for all your support.

BTW, anyone here watches Yuri!! On Ice??

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