Hate world.

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I fell to the ground, Percy Jackson holding me down. I tried swinging my fists at him but failed as he held me down.

Right as I was about to swing again, he disappeared and I saw Jack, standing straight in front of me, only a few feet away. "Join me..." He said

"Why!All you do is hate!" Jack grinned at me evilly and pushed me down to the ground, making sure I couldn't get up. I banged and banged against the ground, hoping that would do something.

Finally I sweep kicked him down to the ground, getting up for my plan. I flew up, arms and legs spread apart, an extremely bright light radiating off my skin.

"I call upon..." I was no longer in control of my own body. I moved my hand down, then back up representing "THE PHANDOM." I screamed, trying to cry over the white noise blaring into my ears.

"THE PERCY JACKSON FANDOM!" I said, making the same motions as I did before. I smelled ocean water. I breathed in slowly, realizing that this smell was representing the son of Poseidon I had arisen.

"WHOVIANS!" I screamed, so loud even the death colored birds sat down, covering their ears. I heard the TARDIS noise coming up behind me, so loud it canceled out the white noise in my head.

I kept my eyes closed, because whenever I tried to open them, the entire universe flooded into my eyes. I used my other senses to make up for my lost sense of sight. I heard a body fall to the ground, dropping on it's knees.

"FANDOMS..... COMBINE!" I said, opening my eyes, white light flooding out of them. I could see everything.... everything anyone was doing... all in my mind... everyones thoughts...

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed, holding my head in my hands, trying to cancel out the noise. I failed, but set something off in my head, I shot up towards the sky, trying to break the barrier.

And I did.

Jacks POV

Then, with a terrible battle cry, the glass shatters into countless shreds, leaving the freedom wide open. Everyone is still frozen as the glass suddenly begins to shake. Then one shred of glass rises up, and then another one, and they zoom together. Suddenly, all of the shreds are forming together until one terrible, impossibly tall, glass monster is left standing, so bright it's almost blinding. This monster roars and roars, and then begin to speak, addressing Ally.

"Foolish Mortal," the monster begins, "How dare you defy Hate world! You have awoken a terrible power- THE POWER OF NIX!!!"

The terrible being of the night nix, then creates a hole in the ground of Hate world to the deepest parts of it, and grabs Ally.

"You will pay for the damage you have caused my land!" Nix bellows, and pulls back her arm, about to send Ally down. I notice what is happening, and I turn into a pterodactyl to get in the way of the hole, but Ally's descent just carries both of them down, down down, and Jack slows their descent, when suddenly the hole starts closing from the top, rapidly coming down and down, and I go into a nose dive with Ally riding my back (Yep hes a dragon coolio I know) The fly into a vast room, and I stopped them from hitting the ground right in time. They look up, and there is no hole- it closed in after them.

I began to shiver, and I looked at Ally with a doomed look in my eyes. I told her that her display up there has convinced him to try to get both of them to Fandom world- but I also don't think they can.

"Um, we are in the, uh, deepest part of Hate world, where the most hated books live.," I begin, "And, uh, well u have to understand something first: the more hated a book is in here, the more power it has. I've heard rumors that it's kind of like the in Fandom world, except the most loved books have more power. But have you ever heard the phrase that goes something like this: Let a book come to life? Well, that kind of has a more literal meaning here. The books here, the characters, come to life. We are in the most hated section- history books. And I think we just joined the Americans attacking the Spanish. You see Roosevelt right over- Duck!"

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