Chapter Twenty Eight

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Lola's Pov

I was awoken by my alarm. It blared out causing me to fall away from the bliss darkness. I groaned before pulling myself out of bed. It was school today, I knew the boys would be around me but I was worried. The plan could fail at any point, plan B wasn't exactly the one I would opt for.

I dragged myself out of bed and threw on a pair of black jeans, I looked at my reflection. My eyes held dark bags under them, my eyes hald a darkness that I thought I would never see again. Suddenly I felt hopeless again. I shock my head, I wouldn't let her let me feel like this. Not now. Not ever. Not because of her.

I decided to drive my car to school today. I drove slowly, I knew I had more then enough time to get to school so allowed myself to listen to the radio and let the peace of music fill my ears. When school came into view I let out an audio able sigh.

I parked in one of the spaced available, I had well and truly destroyed my cover so I wasn't worried about hiding who I am anymore. I still wouldn't talk if it wasn't necessary but today I wasn't going to take any shit.
Sometimes I resented my brother for coming back. For saving me. It made it that much harder to for me to do plan B. That was the plan that would probably have to be put into place.

"Hey Lol." Ethan said, walking up to me once I got out my car. "Nice ride."

"Eth, you've seen me drive it before." I laughed slightly. When Ethan had saw me in this car a few days ago he was shocked, his eyeballs almost fell from his eyes.

"I know but still." Ethan blushed slightly, I found his reaction cute. I wouldn't deny that Ethan was adorable but I knew me and him would never happen. And I didn't know if I wanted anything to happen between us. Part of me held onto the hope that Ace and I could be something.
During my recovery before he lied about being the reason I was kidnapped and almost killed, it felt like something was really happening between us. Maybe it was in my head.

"Let's get to class." I spoke with an eye roll. Ethan smiled and nodded, grabbing my bag so that I wouldn't have to carry it. Last night I had a fight and injered my arm. It wasn't a horrible injury just enough to hurt if I were to carry a bag full of books.

"Thanks Eth." I smile at him, he sends me a small smile back.

Ethan's Pov

I took Lola's bag for her, last night she got injered. I wanted to ask her to stop fighting but I knew that I couldn't. It would be wrong of me.

I dropped her to her first lesson before giving her, her bag back. Then I started walking to my own class. Lola filling my every thought. She hadn't been away from me for long and yet I was worried about her. I wished I could switch my lessons so I was in every one of hers and yet I couldn't. I tried.

"Ethan..." I heard someone say, they sounded a lot like Lola and yet I knew they couldn't be. My head snapped around to see them.
"We need to talk." I saw someone who looked almost exactly like Lola. Someone who didn't know Lola could easily mistake them for Lola and yet I saw the suttle differences. Her hair was wrong, Lola always looked like she had ran her fingers through her hair a 100 times a day yet it was flawless; the imposter had just messy hair that had obviously been recently messed up. Lola would tilt her head slightly to the left when she spoke; the imposters head was staring straight ahead.

"Sup Lol." I spoke, during the assumsion that this was Lola's twin. I needed to act as casual as possible.

"I don't think we should be seen with each other anymore." Lola's twin said. I almost wanted to laugh, this was the last thing Lola would say. However I put on a fake shocked expression and pretend to be hurt.

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