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You are broken on the floor
And your crying crying
He has done this all before
And your lying lying

Lola's Pov

Finally he's finished. Leaving me in a pool of my own blood. I want to cry but frankly I don't have the energy. Instead I peel myself off the floor and start to clean up the blood.

Now my mind is officially made up. I'm leaving. And I'm leaving today. Its been 10 years of abuse from my pathetic alcoholic of a father. Today is the day I finally leave. I can't do it anymore. One of these days he's going to kill me. I have to leave. I have to live for my mother. I have to live for my brother. I have to live for the man my father used to be. The man that died the day my mother did.

I finish cleaning the blood off the floor and drag myself up the stairs to where my bedroom silently sits, waiting for me to arrive. Trying to hurry up the stairs, dispite my the protests of my body. It takes me around five minutes to scale the stairs.

Walking into my room I can't help the sigh of relief that escapes my lips. I grab my rucksack and pack all of my clothes that consists of two tattered shirts and a tattered pair of jeans - I'm wearing my other pair. I throw in a picture of my mom, brother and dad before my whole world fell apart and secure the necklace my mother gave me for my 3rd birthday around my neck.

I have an hour to get out of here now. I quickly grab some cash and run out of the house. Trying to make it to the nearest bus station, which thankfully I do within 10 minutes since it wasn't too far.

"Where to miss?" the older bus driver says. I look at which bus I'm on and realise it goes to the train station which instantly makes me sigh in relief.

"The train station please." I keep my head down to avoid eye contact but still force a smile on my face.

"6.50 please love." the driver says. I smile at him and hand him the money. He then hands me the bus ticket which I greatfully take, sending him another forced smile.

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