Chapter Eight: Awkward Encounters

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Please don't tell me you want me
Please don't say you do
Honestly, it's not you it's me
I just have trust issues
Trust Issues - Olivia O'Brian

Lola's Pov

Ace and I sat in awkward silence for a while. All that could be heard was the chatter from other tables and our soft breaths.

"Lets call a truce." Ace says, after what seems like hours of silence. "Let's work on this project and I swear I won't try to meddle on your life. All I ask is that you hang around with the gang." Ace speaks, his words make me sigh. I would love just to work on the project with no outsider influence but hanging out with the gang. That's a deal breaker. Maybe.

How often to I have to hang out with the gang? I write my question and slide the paper over to him.

"How about just during school. If we see you at a fight you may also get a drink with us but it won't be forced." Ace explains. I consider my options before finally deciding his was a good idea. They won't learn anything about me and its not obsessively hanging out. I think I can live with this.

Okay. Truce. I write, sending him a smile. Ace's eyes light up and he begins thanking me over and over as if I did something truly unbelievable. I just chuckle at his reaction and start writing notes for our project. Soon ace catches on and starts doing the same.


It is now lunch. My first few periods went by with nothing intresting happening. This is definitely a good thing. Now I'm walking to my locker to put my books away and grab my lunch money.

"Lola wait up!" I hear the voice of Carter call. I stop walking and wait in silence for him to catch up. "How's your day been?" Carter asks casually once he's by my side. We start walking in silence.

Nothing intresting has happened. I wrote on my notebook that I fished out of my bag along with a random stray pen. It's times like this where I hate being mute. It is very inconvenient.

"What was that about this morning?" Carter asks, with a shrug although I notice him check behind his shoulder for the posing threat of the gang.

Ace is a friend of my brother. I write with a sigh, not wanting to talk about it. Carter catches on and changes the subject. He starts talking about random stuff that I really don't care about but I listen anyway.

"Wanna sit with me at lunch?" Carter asks once we reach my locker. I get my notebook to write my response when of course Daniel comes up behind us, scaring the shit out of Carter.

"She has plans." Daniel speaks in a dangerously low tone. I see Carter gulp before he mumbles a reply and walks away. Instead of blowing up on Daniel I simply sigh and put my bag in my locker and get out my lunch money.
"Put that away baby bear I'm paying for you." Daniel speaks, pushing the money back into my locker.

That wasn't part of the deal. I write, glaring at my older brother.

"Lola please your my little sister let me treat you." I roll my eyes at his words but end up giving up and nodding. I follow Daniel out the school building.
"Come on I'll take you to where the others are." I guve Daniel a sceptical look and look towards my bike. "We'll be back before the end of lunch." I sigh and get in his car. I can tell Daniel is extremely happy at my cooperation but in truth I just don't want to argue anymore. Arguing is exhausting.

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