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This is nxralina6 's request. I tried something a bit different from the usual for this one

 I tried something a bit different from the usual for this one

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Jeongyeon's POV

'His stares are killing me!'

We have free period right now, and my seatmate, and also friend of 17 years, keeps staring at me. This wasn't the first time he did so, and most probably not the last.

I started to become more conscious of my actions after I noticed his occasional stares (that started a couple months ago). Which always led me to quietly stare at nothing in particular, which in this case is the floor, much like how he silently stares at me.

'It sure is a good day to be interested in the floor.'

The me before would've probably teased him, saying something along the lines of, "What? Have you fallen for me?"

But I don't have the guts to do that right now, because I also fell in love with my best friend, who, up until a few years ago, I only saw as a sibling or a close friend I've known even before I could talk.

We weren't dense, we both knew that we had feelings for the other. So why am I still not in a relationship with him, you ask? Our families are close, they'd never go against us being in a relationship, if anything, they've been pushing us to get together in the past few years. Even now, our friends and classmates treat us as if we were already an item. So what's the problem? All would've been we'll if either one of us confessed, right?

Of course, it isn't! Our pride keeps stopping us from admitting the feelings we have for the other. Just last week, I worked up the courage to confess to him, but then I imagined his smug and narcissistic face telling me that I finally fell for his charms, "Oh~ Yeon, I didn't think even you would fall for my charms."

Stop! Stop. Even just thinking about it makes my blood boil. (This is why I've been ignoring, no, more like avoiding his existence for the past 2 days.) Although I fell for him first, way before he started doing those "sweet things" for me, and my love for him is obviously way deeper, I vow that I will never be the first one to confess between the two of us.

So a mental message to Jeonghan, 'You better hurry up, we have so much to do after you confess to me. But don't worry, no matter how long you take, I'll wait for you.'

Jeonghan's POV

Before I even knew it, I started staring at her again. How could I not? As time flew by, the brat I always hung out with grew to become the girl- no, the woman of my dreams.

The past weekend went by in a flash, which also marked the third day she's been avoiding me- leaving me on seen, not answering my calls, avoiding eye contact, ignoring my whines beside her, the list goes on.

From the outside, most people probably saw us as a couple who were fighting. We kinda are, except we're not a couple, and it's more of a silent fight if you've ever seen one.

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