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Back on the date of August 1, at 8:30 in the morning, a family of three were rushing to the hospital because their soon to be baby boy was to be born, the father holding the mother's hand tightly as he drove with one hand on the steering wheel and driving down the road glancing at his wife now and again.

The little girl in the backseat was grinning big even though she was still very tried because she was woken up at 8:30 in the morning, she was only seven years old, and the mother was breathing in and out heavily awhile praying for a healthy baby every chance she got between breaths.

~(Time Skip)~

Screaming could be heard from inside the hospital room, and the little girl sat in the chair outside the delivery room, waiting she was half-awake and the only thing keeping her awake was the screams of her mother giving birth. 

A few hours later the doctor finally came out and got the little girl outside the room with a smile saying "Hello Jenny, sorry for such the wait, but you can come in now your new baby brother is born" the little girl, Jenny felt like she was suddenly wide awake and she jumped up from her seat tugging at her pajama sleeves and ran into the room wanting to be careful because of her bare feet.

She came over to her mother where she was holding a blue bundle of blankets in her arms, both parents seemed happy with the baby boy born and ok, Jenny walked over, and her father picked her up and set her on the hospital bed so she could see her new brother.

Her brother had two different colored eyes, the right eye was light but what seemed to be a dark blue, but you really couldn't tell and his left was a chocolate brown both of her parent's eye colors, and small tufts of brown hair were peaking out of the top of the blanket her father's hair color. 

"Jenny," her mother said, the little girl looked over at her mother snapping her out of her trance that her little brother seems to make, "yeah Mommy?" Jenny asked with a smile the joy to her baby brother finally born was getting to her now "This is your, baby brother, Kai Ash Star" Jenny's eyes glowed at the name, Kai and Ash were two names she suggested for her brother's name and her Mommy and Daddy used both, Kai for the first and Ash for the middle, "So sweety how does it feel knowing you basically named your baby brother?" her father said chuckling.

The redhead little girl smiled brightly and bounced a bit and nodded "I love it!" the adults laughed and nodded their heads. It was a happy moment for the family...

Till a doctor and a nurse walked in with grim faces. The family looked up and their smiles dropped and they looked a bit concerned. The doctor took off his glasses and put them aside and sighed running his slim fingers through his ginger hair, "I don't know how to tell you this, it's not something you tell parents with a newborn baby but ... when we were going through some of your newborn's papers of brain waves and many other things, as well... we found out your son has many mental problems..." the mother and father gasp and look down at their newborn child. "I'll list the disorders off if you like... or I can send you a paper that you can read at home" It was silent for a few minutes before the father said, "please tell us...".

The doctor nodded his head and flipped a few papers and soon stopped and took a breath before he started talking " Your son has ... Tourettes, as he grows he will get Anxiety, Dysarthria, C.I.P.A, Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis, making him completely numb to any pain, and what I am going to say is the worst one yet... It's what we call "Body seizer" it's where his body doesn't heal as it should, any sort of open-cut wound won't heal that wound will always be there and won't ever close... So I will say you should keep a close eye on him at all times... so he doesn't make any fatal wounds" The parents were shocked at the number of disorders their own son had.

But they knew that there was nothing they could do was pray for their son every night to make him better.

~(Time Skip)~

~(Kai, Age 4)~

Just like the doctor had said four years ago, Kai had developed anxiety, and his Tourettes had gotten a bit worse, and his Dysarthria had made it hard to speak as well. And his parents had prayed for him every night, but he had never gotten better.

His older sister Jenny had ever so slowly grown further away from her parents, at eleven years old she had grown to hate them because they were trying to "fix" her brother as they had said many times before, and that infuriated her because she thought Kai was fine just the way he was. 

Years soon passed by and Jenny was 18 years old and working, Kai was 14 still mentally abused by his parents and kids at school but the kids at school were physically abusing him at school as well, Kai gained the nickname at school, he was called "Ticking Time Bomb Star". This made all of Kai's mental disorders worse, he even gained slight depression that made his sister worry that his depression might get worse and he would take it a step further, but Kai had always told her that he would be fine.

His life might be bad but he knew he could get through it... but he didn't know that his life could get much, much worse.

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