~Chapter 2~

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~(Kai, 9:30 am, two days later)~

I stood in front of the front door bags at my sister's feet, I had tears in my eyes the I was silently begging not to fall, Jenny was standing there with a small smile on her face. Our parents were there as well much to our distaste. We haven't really talked to our parents unless we have to which wasn't much; much to our pleasure.

Jenny opened her arms and I immediately ran into them, not wanting to ever let go but she had to leave soon even though I didn't want to accept it. She held me tightly as I silently let my tears fall mt tics getting a bit worse from the crying, she gently shushed me rubbing my back up and down gently kissing my forehead soon gently pulling away. "Hey, Kai I won't be gone long ... Just for a week ok?" I nodded silently wishing for her to stay so I could hear her sweet voice more. Jenny looked at our parents her smile dropping instantly "I hope to come back to find him the same way he is now" Dad scoffed and produced a small smile which I could tell was fake "Don't worry Hunny" He placed a hand on my shoulder making me stiffen up, Jenny noticed her frown deepening "Kai will be A-Ok" Jenny could tell he wasn't being fully truthful but since she had no choice but to leave she nodded her head looking at me again.

Smiling she reached up to her neck and took something off it handing it to me. Once she took her hand off of mine I seen it was her lucky necklace she always wore, she found it in the dirt next to the sandbox we have in our backyard. I looked at my sister in shock she took the necklace again and put it around my neck being careful as my neck ticked to the side harshly making a sicking crack. Jenny winced maybe imagining the pain it must cause if I could feel the pain that is.

I looked down at the now clasped necklace around my neck.


Jenny placed a hand on my cheek making me look up at her, smiling she said "I'll be back" I nodded my head ticing to the side. "Ok" I whispered hugging her one last time, she soon left leaving me alone with my mentally abusive parents wishing I could go with her.

~(A few hours later)~

I was in shock ... I couldn't feel the tears running down my face, I was in complete shock, my emotions out of control ... Mom and Dad didn't even look that sad ... when they told me Jenny's plain didn't even make it out of the airport, the engine failed and the plain was caught aflame ... no one made it out alive.

The one person in my life that actually cared was ... dead. She lied she said she would be back! And it hurt knowing that there would be no sibling bonding times ... No midnight drives when I have nightmares ... No more helping me with our parents ... No more giving me encouraging talks when I always come home from school having bruises and small cuts, I was just thankful that the bruises disappear instead of stay. But I wasn't focused on that ... I was focused on the picture in my hands of Jenny and me.

Our parents took it when we were younger. I was four and Jenny was eleven. This was one of the times when we were just like a real family, Jenny was smiling brightly her hair in a ponytail, her brown eyes shining in the summer sun, She was in a blue shirt with blue overalls on, her pink and purple shoes have dirt on them as she sat on the ground many flower crowns around her mom was smiling having a flower crown, made of daisy's, on her head, she was placing a flower crown, of orchids, on Jenny's head her weight dress having small grass stains here and there she was wearing brown flip flops she hair in a french braid, Then there was me, I was sitting on the ground a flower crown made of weight roses in my messy brown hair, the thorns on the steam having been taken off, I was in blue shorts and a green shirt, and finally, dad was beside me taking the picture was in a gray shirt and brown shorts violets made into a crown on his head.

We were all smiling having the time of our lives, but that all ended so quickly.

And all I could feel in this moment of time was a strong pain ... But the pain wasn't anywhere you normally feel pain ... Unless something dear was taken away from you ... a pain in my heart was growing and I know it wouldn't stop ... because Jenny wasn't here so that left me with nothing ... I had nothing now...

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