she comes home from tour

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She dropped her suitcase on the porch and let her hand hover over the handle of the front door for a moment as she took a deep breath and attempted to steady her racing heart.

It's been two months since she's been home. She's been having the time of her life on tour, performing for the fans who adore her and the girls more than words could say. She's left her heart and soul on the stage each and every night.

But as much fun as she's had, she's been missing you like crazy. It's been two months since you shared your last kiss and since she's held you in her arms. Part of her hoped you'd manage to sneak away and visit her on tour for some time, even if it was only for a few days. But understandably, your job has kept you on your toes, too.

But that's all about to change tonight. It's nearing midnight and she meant to arrive home much earlier, but there had been a change in plans and she had to book another flight, which made her arrive just minutes ago instead of hours like she originally intended.

She figured you'd be up in bed, tucked away under the covers and dreaming about... her, she hoped.

But as she opened the door, she was startled to find that you were asleep on the sofa instead. Curled up in her hoodie, the remote was on the edge of the cushion, the blanket was at your feet, and your phone had clearly slipped out of your hand and onto the floor.

She realized you must've been waiting for her to call. She always calls by now, but she didn't today for obvious reasons.

But she knew how to make it up to you.

She took off her shoes and hung her jacket up on the coat rack by the door. You were laying on your side, which allowed for her to carefully slip behind you and cuddle you from behind.

Her intentions were sweet, but your eyes flew open at the sudden embrace. You turned your head quickly and jumped when you saw Soojin, a yelp escaping your lips only to relax as she brushed her hand along your side soothingly.


"Hey, baby," she smiled, and any lingering worries of whether you were dreaming or not faded as she kissed your face and you felt her fast-beating heart against your chest.

"I-I can't believe this! You're here? You're really here!"

She laughed as you looped your arms around her neck and pulled her against you, making her fall onto you and her chest hit yours.

"I didn't think you'd be home for a few more days."

"Neither did I. But because of unforeseen circumstances, our remaining shows have been rescheduled for a few more weeks. Only two shows and I get to bring my girl with me for them."

Your eyes were as bright as hers, your smile just as wide.

"But, until then, I'm here and I'm all yours."

"I'm so happy. I've missed you so much."

You were emotional, nearly shedding a tear of happiness over the fact that she was in your arms again and you no longer had to worry about only seeing her through a laptop screen as you skyped her at night.

"I've missed you, baby girl. I'm so happy to be home with you again."

You leaned in and stole a passionate kiss from her lips. She melted into your lips right away, letting out a soft sigh as she laced her fingers with yours and deepened the kiss slightly.

But you pulled away and yawned sleepily.



"Lie." She giggled. "Don't worry, baby, I'm tired too. It's okay. Why don't we call it a night and I'll treat you to a delicious breakfast in the morning."

She tried to roll off of you and tug you off the couch, but you resisted moving. You were too tired and the couch was so comfortable and so spacious that the two of you can lay together no problem.

You patted the spot beside you and she rolled her eyes playfully before laying down.

"I love you."

"I love you, y/n." She replied and pecked your lips a few times before adjusting the blanket over the both of you and then reaching back to turn off the light.

"Sweet dreams, my love," she whispered against your neck and laid a sweet, lingering kiss on your skin before she drifted off to sleep.

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