you won't let go when she hugs you

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Your day had been absolutely terrible and Soojin could tell as soon as you walked through the door. You didn't have to say a single word as you put your things down on the floor and looked across the room to find her at the last step of the staircase.

She'd heard you pull into the driveway and out of excitement to see you, she raced down the stairs. Seeing you so down caused her smile to fall and she wordlessly opened her arms for you to walk right into them.

She wrapped them around you, more than happy to give you as big of a hug as your heart desired. She rubbed your back soothingly as she sensed that you needed some comfort.

"Bad day?"

You just nodded your head, struggling to find the words to say.

"It's okay. You're home now, right here with me." She spoke softly in your ear before she kissed your head. "I've got you."

She tried to pull away from the hug, planning to offer to run you a nice hot bath or throw on a good movie that you could cuddle up to while watching. But pulling her arms away only made you tighten your grip on her. She laughed and gently scratched your back.

"What's up, baby?"

"Don't let go." You mumbled as you hugged her tighter. "Keep hugging me. Keep holding me."

She couldn't pull away even if she tried. Her heart was flutter over how sweet you were being and how you wanted nothing more than to stay wrapped in her embrace.

"I won't let go, baby." She promised but soon started to walk backward until she felt the sofa against the back of her legs.

She plopped down on it with a cute giggle as she fell onto her back with you on top of her, holding her tighter than ever.

"I'm not letting go, Soojin," you said and then hummed contentedly as she began to kiss your head and rub your back with the tips of her fingers in circles.

"Let's watch a movie, baby. A cozy one. We'll cuddle all night."

"In a little while. I'm not done hugging you yet."

Butterflies filled her heart and all she could do was hold you a little tighter and give you kisses anywhere she could, swearing she wouldn't let go until you were ready.

Soojin Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now